the larger grey button on the fob shuts front door and bottom grey
button opens the door. The red buttons are for the middle door, top red
button shuts the front door bottom one opens it.
Getting in-
using the key to unlock the door then pushing the smallest grey
button to open the door.
the power switch is located on the dash to the right of the steering
wheel (see chart).
Main kill switch-
is located on the dash to the right of the steering wheel
number (see chart)
Steams up badly and you will need to open the drivers window
slightly in order to reduce this. There are 3 dials to control the temperature the
two upper ones are for passengers temp control the lowest one is for cab, the
panel labeled
is to control fan direction and speed and aircon.
Three fitted one is in the dash the other is attached to the wall
to the right of driver seat/window, both are simply slide switch and they are
on. And the third is also in the dash but is wireless, simply lift up and switch on,
can pick up chatter from other mics when travelling.
boiler is located halfway down the coach near the middle steps No
switch on the dash its always on and simply push the button and wait a few
seconds and hot water should flow. Topping up the boiler, is located in the
front offside locker.
Boiler winter prep-
needs emptying in order to prevent damage during the
harsh cold weather, simple enough, offside front locker unplug the hose and
then go back inside to pull all the water through.
Toilet drop lever is located in the offside middle locker to the right of
the middle door as you open the locker you will see a silver lever pull it down
and to the left toilet will drop wait a couple of minutes the close it.