5.3 UVC Functions
5.31 Go On (Manual Control)
The ‘Go On’ function is designated by an icon of a hand-held controller. Manual control allows the user to remotely
control the vehicle on the water’s surface in WiFi range. You may use this function for a variety of reasons:
• to test that all vehicle drive components operate properly,
• to manually drive the vehicle away from the launch site,
• to manually drive the vehicle into a retrieval area, or
• to manually steer the vehicle around known obstacles in the launch site.
You should not attempt to operate the vehicle under manual control over great distances due to the restrictions of
WiFi range. If the vehicle does leave WiFi range under manual control (this includes diving), the AUV will shut off
its drive motor and lock the vehicles control planes in the last commanded position. Following such an event, a WiFi
connection must be reestablished.
The ‘Manual Mode’ window (prompted by double-clicking the ‘Go On’) contains a variety of live-stream
information including pitch, yaw, roll, and speed as well as a virtual flight screen and virtual joystick.
You may exit (and thereby stop manual mode) the ‘Manual Mode’ window by:
• clicking the ‘x’ in the top, right corner of the window,
• clicking the ‘Stop & Close Manual Mode’ button at the bottom of the window,’ or
• clicking the ‘Go OFF’ icon, which replaced the ‘Go On’ icon, in the primary UVC window.
Step-by-step instruction on manual vehicle control provided in Chapter 4.