Johnson Controls Ducted Systems
A terminal block located in the control box is provided for field
connection of the VFD speed reference signal (2-10 VDC) and
to the normally-open, run-permit auxiliary contact. The use of
shielded cable is recommended for the above control wiring
connections. For VFD-ready units also equipped with gas/
electric heat, a terminal block located in the unit's control box
and connected to the VAV board's "VAV BOX" terminal, must
be field wired to the building's VAV boxes to ensure fully open
dampers during heating operation.
Optional Hot Gas Bypass (HGBP)
To allow for low cooling load operation, a direct-acting,
pressure-modulating bypass control valve installed on the
system #1 discharge line is used to divert high temperature,
high pressure refrigerant around the TXV in order to maintain a
desired minimum evaporator pressure.
The opening pressure of the bypass valve is adjustable
between 95 and 115 psig with a factory-setting of 105 psig.
HGBP is standard on all units with VAV and optional with CV
Economizer Sequences
Several functions can drive the economizer, including: minimum
position, free cooling, economizer loading, and minimum
outdoor air supply.
Economizer Minimum Position
The economizer minimum position is set during occupied mode
when outside air is not suitable for free cooling. The position of
the damper is set proportionally between the "Economizer
Minimum Position and the Economizer Minimum Position Low
Speed Fan" set points, in relationship to the VFD output
percentage. On a constant volume single speed supply fan
system both set-points should be set to the same value.
Free Cooling
Four types of free cooling options are available: dry bulb
changeover, single enthalpy, dual enthalpy changeover, and
Dry Bulb Changeover
For dry bulb economizer operation, the outside air is suitable for
free cooling if the outside air temperature is 1°F below the
Economizer OAT Enable Setpoint
1°F below the Return Air
Free cooling is no longer available if the outside air temperature
rises above
the Economizer OAT Enable setpoint
return air temperature.
Single Enthalpy Changeover
For single enthalpy economizer operation, the outside air is
suitable for free cooling if the outside air enthalpy is at least 1
BTU/lb below the Economizer Outside Air Enthalpy Setpoint
the outside air temperature is no greater than the RAT plus
If the outside air temperature rises above the RAT plus 10°F,
free cooling is no longer available. The outside air temperature
must drop to no greater than RAT plus 9°F to enter free cooling
Free cooling is no longer available if the outside air enthalpy
rises above the Economizer Outside Air Enthalpy Setpoint.
Dual Enthalpy Changeover
For dual enthalpy economizer operation, the outside air
enthalpy must be lower than the return air enthalpy by 1 btu/lb
AND the outside air temperature is no greater than the RAT
plus 9°F.
The control determines the type of free cooling changeover
based on which sensors are present and reliable. Conditions
• Return and outside air dry bulb = dry bulb changeover
• Return and outside air dry bulb and outside air humidity =
single enthalpy
• Return and outside air dry bulb and return and outside air
humidity = dual enthalpy
• If either the return or outside air dry bulb sensors are
unreliable, free cooling is not available
Free Cooling Operation
When the control determines that the outside air is suitable, the
first stage of cooling will always be free cooling.
In free cooling, with a thermostat input to Y1, the dampers
modulate to control the supply air temperature to the
Economizer Se/- 1°F (default 55°F).
If the thermostat provides an input to Y2
the parameter
Compressors Off in Free Cooling is turned OFF a compressor
output energizes. The economizer dampers continue to
modulate to control the supply air temperature to the
Economizer Setpoint.
If the supply air temperature cannot be maintained within 5°F of
the economizer setpoint, the first stage compressor (C1) will be
turned on. Second stage compressor (C2) will be added as
needed to keep the supply air temperature within the 5°F of the
economizer setpoint.
In free cooling, with a demand from the zone/return sensor for
the first stage of cooling, the dampers modulate to control the
supply air temperature to the Economizer Se/- 1°F.
If the economizer output is at 100%
the SAT is greater than
the Economizer se 1°F, the control starts a 12-minute
timer to energize a compressor output.