FORM 160.54-M1
ISSUE DATE: 10/25/2019
Microboard 031-03630-001 is supplied in new produc-
tion YK chillers starting in June of 2015. Although
this board uses a different microprocessor and sup-
porting components, the chiller control and operator
interface are the same as the previous 031-01730-000,
031-02430-000 and 031-02430-001 Microboards. It
uses the same mounting hole pattern and has the same
interface connectors as the previous boards except for
the improved power supply connections and the VSOP
and ACC board cables use removable screw terminal
It is backward compatible to existing YK chillers
OptiView control panels and is supplied as service
replacement for these boards in kit 331-03630-601
which contains the microboard and an SD card with
the program.
The new 031-03630-001 microboard consists of a base
board with a small daughter board mounted on the base
board. This daughter board is the SMARC processor
The two boards are mated in the factory and
cannot be replaced separately.
All of the connectors for the sensors, communication
ports display and keypad have the same connector des-
ignations. The jumpers related to the display and ther-
mal flow switches remain the same and should be set to
the same positions as the existing 02430 microboard.
The SW1 DIP switch settings should be set the same
as the SW1 switch positions on the 02430. Position
SW1-4 on the 03630 is now used in place of JP6 on the
02430 to initiate a program update.
On the 02430 a BRAM chip stored the configurable
setpoints, sales data and Real Time Clock. The BRAM
chip has been replaced with FeRAM and a separate bat-
tery backed up Real Time Clock to maintain the time
during power outages. The RTC Battery is a CR2032
button cell Lithium battery which can last over 10
years and is readily available at local stores.
The board is supplied with +12 VDC (J1-5), -12 VDC
(J1-6), +5 VDC (J1-1 and J1-2), +24 VDC (J1-7) and
ground (J1-3 and J1-4) from the Power Supply (See
). The +5 VDC (fused by F1)
can be monitored at TP12 and TP3. It is used by the mi-
croboard circuits and applied to a +3.3 VDC regulator.
The outputs of this regulator is applied to Microboard
The +12 VDC (fused by F2) can be monitored at TP5
and TP4 in reference to TP1 GND. It is applied to a +5
VDC regulator and the output of the regulator is the +5
VDC (Analog) supply that powers all analog circuits
and is the source voltage for all of the transducers and
thermistors. The +5VA can be monitored at TP10 ref-
erenced to TP1 GND.
Test Points and LED Indicators
The primary power supplies have LEDs to indicate the
presence of power. The voltages can be measured at the
following test points in reference to TP1 or TP11 GND.
+5 VDC
TP3 +4.92 to +5.28 VDC
F1 (5A) CR56
+12 VDC
TP4 +11.58 to +12.5 VDC
F2 (5A) CR57
-12 VDC
TP33 -11.5 to -12.5 VDC
F3 (5A) CR58
+24 VDC TP35 +22.4 to +26.7 VDC
F4 (4A) CR59
+3.3 VDC
TP2 +3.25 to +3.43 VDC
TP15 +4.92 to +5.28 VDC
TP10 +4.95 to +5.05
+2.95 to +3.45
Boot-up Program
The Boot-up Program is stored in Flash memory. It
may be updated along with a new version of the oper-
ating program by inserting an SD card containing the
new program into the SD card slot on the 03630 board,
setting DIP Switch SW1 position 4 to ON and then
applying power to the chiller. The Boot-up Program
version is displayed on the DIAGNOSTICS Screen in
SERVICE access level.
SECTION 5 - MICROBOARD 031-03630-001