Johnson Controls Ducted Systems
Ductwork must be designed and sized according to the methods in Manual D of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA)
or as recommended by any other recognized authority such as ASHRAE or SMACNA.
A closed return duct system must be used. The supply and return air duct connections at the unit must be made with flexible joints to
minimize noise. The supply and return air duct systems must be designed for the CFM and static pressure requirements of the job.
They must not be sized to match the dimensions of the duct connections on the unit. See the previous figures for bottom and side air
duct openings.
Duct covers
Units are shipped with the side duct openings covered. For a bottom duct application, no duct cover changes are necessary. For a
side duct application, complete the following steps.
Remove the side duct covers.
Orient the supply panel with the painted surface up.
Slide the supply panel along the bottom of the unit.
Secure the supply panel with the factory-installed bracket and two screws.
Orient the return panel with the painted surface down.
Install the return panel over the corresponding side duct. The painted surface must face the down flow duct opening.
Secure the return panel with four screws.
Figure 13: Side panels with hole plugs
Note the orientation of the panel with the insulation side facing up.
Figure 14: Return down flow plenum with panel
When you fasten the ductwork to the side duct flanges on the unit, insert the screws
through the duct flanges only. DO NOT insert the screws through the casing.
Outdoor ductwork must be insulated and water-proofed.