IM WT310E-17EN
RS-232 Interface Features and Specifications
RS-232 Interface Features
Reception Feature
• You can use the reception feature to specify the same settings that you specify by using the front
panel keys.
• Output requests for measured and computed data, panel setup parameters, and error codes can
be received.
Transmission Feature
• This instrument can transmit measured and computed data.
• This instrument can transmit panel setup parameters and the status byte.
• This instrument can transmit error codes when errors occur.
RS-232 Interface Specifications
Electrical specifications
Complies with EIA-574 (EIA-232 (RS-232) standard for 9-pin)
Point to point
Transmission mode
Full duplex
Start-stop synchronization
Baud rate
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600
Start bit
1 bit (fixed)
Data length
7 or 8 bits
Even, odd, no parity
Stop bits
1 or 2 bits
DELC-J9PAF-13L6 (JAE or equivalent)
Hardware handshaking
Select whether to use the CA and CB signals as controller lines or assume that
they are always true.
Software handshaking Transmission and reception can be controlled with X-ON and X-OFF signals.
Receive buffer size
256 bytes.
Switching between Remote and Local Modes
When Switching from Local to Remote Mode
This instrument switches to remote mode when it is in local mode and it receives a
:COMMunicate:REMote ON
command from the PC.
• The REMOTE indicator illuminates.
• All keys except the
key are disabled.
• Settings entered in local mode are retained even when this instrument switches to remote mode.
When Switching from Remote to Local Mode
When this instrument is in remote mode and you press SHIFT (LOCAL), this instrument switches to
local mode. However, this does not work if this instrument has received a :COMMunicate:LOCKout
ON command from the PC. This instrument switches to local mode when it receives a
:COMMunicate:REMote OFF command from the PC, regardless of the local lockout state.
• The REMOTE indicator turns off.
• Key operations are enabled.
• Settings entered in remote mode are retained even when this instrument switches to local mode.
You cannot use the RS-232 interface simultaneously with other communication interfaces (USB and Ethernet