IM 701240-02E
Main Functions of the SL1400
Chapter 6, "Triggering" in the user's manual
There are two main types of triggers: simple trigger and enhanced trigger.
Simple trigger
Input signal trigger
A trigger is activated when
the trigger source passes
through a specified trigger
level (rising edge, falling
edge, or both).
External trigger
A trigger is activated when the
signal applied to the EXT
TRIG terminal passes through
a specified trigger level (rising
edge or falling edge).
Line trigger
A trigger is activated on
the rising edge of the
power supply signal.
Timer trigger
A trigger is activated at a
specified time or at
specified time intervals.
Enhanced trigger
A → B(N) trigger
A trigger is activated on the Nth time
condition B becomes true after
condition A becomes true.
A Delay B trigger
A trigger is activated on the first time
condition B becomes true the
specified time after condition A
becomes true.
Edge on A trigger
A trigger is activated on the OR
condition of the edges while trigger
condition A is true.
OR trigger
A trigger is activated when any one of the
trigger conditions of multiple trigger
sources becomes true.
B > Time trigger
A trigger is activated when the pulse
width is greater than the specified
B < Time trigger
A trigger is activated when the pulse
width is smaller than the specified
B TimeOut trigger
A trigger is activated when the
specified timeout time is reached.
Period trigger
A trigger is activated when the period
of the signal matches the specified
Window trigger
A trigger is activated when the
trigger source enters or leaves the
range specified by two signal levels.
Wave window trigger
A trigger is used to monitor the power supply waveform. It detects abnormalities in the power supply (disruption, sag,
serge, frequency fluctuation, voltage drop, etc.). Applicable waveforms are AC waveforms whose frequency is between 40
and 1000 Hz. A trigger is activated when the waveform deviates from the reference waveform.*
* Reference waveform (realtime template)
Waveform created by setting a tolerance to 1 cycle of the waveform
obtained by averaging 1 to 4 previous cycles of 1 cycle of the waveform.
Linear scaling
Section 5.11, "Using the Linear Scaling Function (AX+B or P1-P2)" in the user's manual
Linear scaling is a function used to convert measured values (mainly voltage) to physical values. The following two methods
are available.
AX + B
Computation is performed using scaling coefficient A and offset
B according to the following equation.
Y = AX + B (X: Measured value, Y: Physical value)
Specifying the physical values after the conversion (P1:Y,P2:Y) that
correspond to the measured values of two arbitrary points (P1:X, P2:X)
determines the scale conversion equation (y = ax + b).
Computation is performed using this conversion equation.
Main Functions of the SL1400
Main Functions of the SL1400
Measurement range
y = ax + b
Measured value
Physical value