IM DL350-01EN
Acquisition Count (Acquisition Count)
This is a setting in scope mode.
The ranges within which you can set the waveform acquisition count are indicated below. If you select Infinite,
the instrument continues waveform acquisition until you stop it using the START/STOP key. Changes to the
number of acquisitions are not applied during waveform acquisition. They are applied after acquisition stops.
• When the acquisition mode is set to Normal or Envelope
1 to 65536 (in steps of 1) or Infinite
• When the acquisition mode is set to Average
2 to 65536 (in 2
steps) or Infinite
• The number of waveforms that have been stored to the acquisition memory appears in the lower left of the
• If the trigger mode is set to Single or On Start, you can set the acquisition count only when the action mode
is on.
• When the destination that data is saved to when an action is performed is set to OFF
, the
maximum value that the acquisition count can be set to is 1000.
5 Waveform Acquisition