2.7 Synchronization
You can connect multiple GS200s and synchronize switching of the output between on
and off and their program execution.
External I/O
There are two types of external I/O terminals on the GS200: the I/O terminals for
synchronous operation (SYNC In/OUT) and the BNC I/O terminals (IN and OUT).
RJ-11 Connector (I/O terminals for synchronous operation; SYNC IN/OUT;
see section 8.2 for the procedure)
By using the I/O terminals for synchronous operation (SYNC IN/OUT) on the rear panel,
you can synchronize the operation of multiple connected GS200s. Use synchronous
operation cables (758960) that are sold separately to connect the GS200s in a daisy
chain. The first unit is connected to the second unit, the second unit is connected to the
third unit, and so on. You can synchronize the operation of program triggers and the
output state (output on and off).
BNC I/O (IN and OUT; see section 8.1 for the procedure)
You can use the BNC connectors at the top of the rear panel to apply and transmit any of
the following signals as external signals. You can use these connectors for synchronous
operation and other purposes.
• Output state (output on and off) I/O
• Program trigger I/O
• Source change completion (Ready) output
IM GS210-01EN