<7. Setting Parameters>
IM 01W03D02-01EN
7.4 Self-Diagnostics
7.4.1 Identify Problems by Using the
Device Configuration Tool
The device configuration tool allows checking the
self-diagnostic results and settings of the FN310.
First, check Diagnostic Status of the self-diagnostic
results. For details of Diagnostic Status, refer to
section 9 “Connection Device Type”.
Procedure to Call Up the Self-Diagnostic
UAPMO block: Diagnostic Status
Any of the four categories (Function check,
Maintenance required, Failure, and Out of
specification) according to NAMUR NE107 is
supplied to Diagnostic Status of each diagnostic
Checking the Diagnostic Status category allows
taking the proper action. The Diagnostic Status
contents are common for all ISA devices, and the
setting for the Diagnostic Status category can be
changed. For further details, refer to Diagnostic
Status Detail.
In Diagnostic Status Contents that can be
diagnosed by the FN310, the alert category set in
Out of Service can be changed to Function check.
To do so, follow the procedures below.
1. UAPMO block: UAP Option Enable diagnostic
status configuration select “enable”.
2. UAPMO block: Diagnostic Configuration
change Out of Service from “Failure” to
“Function check”.
3. UAPMO block: UAP Option Enable diagnostic
status configuration, select “disable”.
In Diagnostic Configuration setting, select one from
the followings;
F: Failure Status
C: Function check status
O: Out of specification status
M: Maintenance required status
The contents of Diagnostic Status are defined either
valid or invalid at Diagnostic Switch parameter.
Follow the example below to change “Out of
Service” to invalid.
1. UAPMO block: UAP Option Enable diagnostic
status configuration select “enable”.
2. UAPMO block: Diagnostic Switch turns “Off” for
Out of Service.
3. UAPMO block: UAP Option Enable diagnostic
status configuration, select “disable”.
Be careful when changing the alert category and
turning detection on and off as described above.
Be sure to set UAP Option Enable diagnostic
status configuration to disable again to prevent
setting errors.
7.4.2 Alert Report
FN310 generates alert information related to
Diagnostic Status and automatically sends to a field
wireless gateway. To use this function, the following
alert setting is necessary. When “Out of Service” for
Diagnostic Status alert is required, choose “FALSE”
for [Out of Service.Alert Disable] in the UAPMO
block. Refer to the field wireless gateway User’s
Manual for the setting procedure to obtain the alert
information from the gateway.
The alert report consists of the list of parameter
name as shown Table 7.2.
Table 7.2
Contents of Alert Report
Parameter name
Alert detection port
UAP (0xF0B2) fixed
Alert detection block
UAPMO (1) fixed
Time stamp
1: generated, 0: clear
Alert priorities set by users
Alert types, see Alert Type of
Diagnostic Results Summary
in section 9 “Connection
Device Type”.
NAMUR107 category
0: Failure
1: Function Check
2: Out Of Specification
3: Maintenance Required
For a wireless gateway which does not support
the alert report function, the alert setting in
UAPMO block for this product must be set to
“Disable”. Note that YFGW710 Field Wireless
Integrated Gateway does not have the alert
report function.