HART Communication
TI 12A01F01-61EN
Nov. 20, 2018-00
This document describes HART communication by FLXA402 4-Wire Converter.
Before communicating using the HART protocol, refer to the User’s Manual for the FLXA402
4-Wire Converter Operation of Converter
for details of the parameters.
For latest User’s Manual, download it from our website or scan QR code.
1. General
HART Communication superimposes specific waveforms called HART Communication
waveforms on the 4–20 mA analog signal from a FLXA402 to enable remote intercommunication
between the online FLXA402 and a setup tool (*).
FieldMate, Plant Resource Manager (PRM), or a handheld HART communicator may be used as the setup tool.
Note: When using FieldMate or a 375 Field Communicator, make sure you use the following or greater version of the product.
FieldMate R3.04.00 + Device Files R3.09.00
HART is a registered trademark of FIELD COMM GROUP. https://www.fieldcommgroup.org/
Installing DD files
To enable HART communication between a FLXA402 and setup tool, the device description
(DD) file of the FLXA402 needs to be installed in the setup tool. The DD file contains the HART
communication details and menu configurations specific to the FLXA402.
FieldMate is provided with the latest versions of DD files at the time when sold. The current
version of DD files can be downloaded from the following site (*):
YOKOGAWA : http://www.yokogawa.com/an/download/an-dl-fieldbus-001en.htm
The URL s is subject to change without prior notice. If the URL cannot be accessed, consult your nearest sales office or the
agency from which you purchased the product.
Before using FieldMate
Before using FieldMate, check the revision of Device Files.
Compatibility among revisions of FLXA402, FieldMate and DD file
Software revision
Device revision
Revision of Device
1.01.01 or later
R3.09 or later
The software revision and the device revision are shown on the display of FLXA402
Main or Home screen which is introduced by pressing the Detail. (Figure 1)
Revision of FLXA402
Device revision for HART
Figure 1 Software Revision
Nov. 20, 2018-00
No. TI 12A01F01-61EN
1st Edition : Nov. 2018(YK)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2018, Yokogawa Electric Corporation