IM DLM3054-01EN
• Necessary Class C Settings
EUT’s active power (Over 25 watts)
Select whether the EUT’s active power exceeds 25 W (True) or not (False). For class C, the reference values
change depending on the EUT’s active power.
EUT’s fundamental current (Fund Current)
Set the fundamental current when the EUT’s load is at its maximum. To set the maximum current that is
measured on the instrument, perform harmonic analysis with the maximum load, and then use the Max value
that appears under the Order 1 column in the list.
For class C, evaluation is performed based on the ratio of harmonic components to the EUT’s maximum
fundamental current.
Power Factor (
If the EUT’s active (input) power exceeds 25 W (True), set the power factor that is observed when the EUT’s
load is at its maximum. You can acquire and use the currently measured power factor of the EUT (Get λ). For
class C, if the EUT’s active (input) power exceeds 25 W, the circuit power factor observed when the EUT’s
load is at its maximum is used to evaluate the ratio of the third harmonic component to the fundamental
The default setting is 0.80000.
Selectable range: 0.01 to 1.000
Resolution: 0.001
• Necessary Class D Settings
EUT’s active power (Power)
Set the EUT’s active power. For class D, the harmonic current per watt (power ratio limit) is also used in the
Harmonic Grouping (Grouping)
There are three types of IEC harmonic groupings. The method for calculating the magnitude of the harmonic rms
values is different for each grouping.
• No grouping (OFF)
Only components whose frequencies are integer multiples of the fundamental wave are considered
harmonics. Interharmonic components are not included.
• Grouping Type 1 (Type1)
A harmonic subgroup is treated as a component of the subgroup’s harmonic. A harmonic subgroup includes
a given harmonic and its two adjacent interharmonics. Therefore, if the input signal includes a harmonic
subgroup, harmonic values will be greater than they are when grouping is turned off.
• Grouping Type 2 (Type2)
A harmonic group is treated as a component of the group’s harmonic. A harmonic group includes a given
harmonic and all of its adjacent interharmonics. Therefore, if the input signal includes a harmonic group,
harmonic values will be greater than they are when grouping is turned off.
Configuring the Display (Display Setup)
Turn the display of VT waveforms on or off and set the bar graph display method.
VT Display
OFF: Does not display the VT waveform display window
ON: Displays the VT waveform display window
Bar Graph Display (Scale)
You can display a bar graph of the computed values and the standard limits of each harmonic up to the 40th
harmonic. You can set the scale to Linear or Log (logarithmic).
17 Power Supply Analysis Feature (Power Analysis and Power Measurement, Option)