IM DLM3054-01EN
Angle Cursors (Degree)
You can measure time values and convert them to angles. On the time axis, set the zero point (Ref Cursor1
position), which will be the measurement reference, the end point (Ref Cursor2 position), and the reference
angle that you want to assign to the difference between Ref Cursor1 and Ref Cursor2. Based on this reference
angle, you can measure the angle between two angle cursors (Cursor1 and Cursor2).
Measurement Items (Item Setup)
The instrument measures the angle cursor (Cursor1 and Cursor2) positions as angles.
Angle of Cursor1 from Ref Cursor1
Angle of Cursor2 from Ref Cursor1
Angle difference between Cursor1 and Cursor2
Vertical values at the points where Cursor1 intersects the waveforms*
Vertical values at the points where Cursor1 intersects the waveforms*
Difference in the vertical values at the points where Cursor1 and Cursor2
intersect the waveforms*
* If you set the measurement source waveform to All, values of all the measurement items are measured
for CH1 to CH4 (or LOGIC) and Math1 to Math4.
Reference Setup (Reference Setup)
Set the zero point (Ref Cursor1 position), which will be the measurement reference, the end point (Ref Cursor2
position), and the reference angle.
Reference Angle (Ref Value)
Set the reference angle you want to assign to the range defined by Ref Cursor1 and Ref Cursor2.
Selectable range: 1 to 720
Angle Unit (Unit)
You can set the angle unit using any characters you like.
Reference Cursors (Ref Cursor)
Set the zero point (Ref Cursor1) and the end point (Ref Cursor2).
Selectable range: –5.00 div to 5.00 div
Moving the Cursors (Cursor/Marker)
The cursor type determines the range of cursor movement.
• ΔV and ΔV in ΔT&ΔV Mode (Cursor1 = and Cursor2 =)
You can move these cursors in the range of −4 to +4 divisions from the vertical center of the window in
0.01-division steps.
• ΔT, ΔT in ΔT&ΔV, Degree, Marker Cursors (Cursor1 II, Cursor2 II, Marker1 to 4)
You can move these cursors in the range of −5 to +5 divisions from the horizontal center of the window in
0.01-division steps. If a zoom window is displayed and a cursor moves into the zoom window, you can move
the cursor by 0.01 divisions of the zoom window at a time.
• Linking Cursor1 and Cursor2
When the cursor type is ΔT, ΔV, ΔT&ΔV, or Degree and you select Cursor1 and Cursor2 at the same time, you
can move the cursors while maintaining the same space between them.
11 Cursor Measurement