IM DLM3054-01EN
5 Executing Actions
A specific action can be executed when trigger conditions are met (this feature is called action-on-trigger) or
when the GO/NO-GO determination result is no-go. You can set the number of times to execute the action in
terms of the number of waveform acquisitions or the number of determinations.
Logic signals cannot be used as source waveforms for rectangular zone, waveform zone, or polygonal zone in
GO/NO-GO determination.
Action Mode (Mode)
Select the action mode from one of the following three settings.
• Action on Trig (trigger): Executes the specified action each time the trigger condition is met
(GO/NO-GO determination): Executes the specified action each time all of the reference
conditions are no-go
(GO/NO-GO determination): Executes the specified action each time any of the reference
conditions are no-go
Action to Execute When Conditions Are Met (Action)
The instrument executes the specified action each time the conditions are met. You can specify any of the four
actions below.
Buzzer (Buzzer)
Sounds an alarm.
Print or Save the Screen Image (Print)
Prints the screen image to the printer (Printer (built-in printer), USB (USB printer)) specified by “Print to” in the
PRINT menu or stores the screen image data to the specified storage device.
Save the Waveform Data (SaveWaveform)
Stores the waveform data in binary or ASCII format to the destination (internal storage, USB storage) specified
using the FILE menu. Specify the file type using Data Type in the FILE menu.
Send Mail (Send Mail)
The instrument sends an e-mail to the specified address. Set the email address by pressing UTILITY and then
selecting Network > Mail.
• Mail Count
Sets the upper email transmission limit. When the number of transmitted emails reaches Mail Count, the
instrument stops sending emails.
• Contents of Emails That the Instrument Sends (Action on Trig)
<Subject>: The subject attached to the email. For example: “Action Triggered Report (nth action)”
[Comment]: Comment
[Trigger Date and Time]: The time of trigger occurrence
[Action Count]: The number of actions performed