IM 701310-01E
Ordinarily, momentary waveform anomalies are difficult to recognize because the display
is updated whenever the trigger is activated. The accumulated waveform display allows
you to observe momentary anomalies by continuing to display each acquired data
waveform for a set time.
• Count
Displays an accumulated waveform that consists of the current waveform and a set
number of waveforms before it.
• Time
Continues to display acquired waveforms for a set period of time. A waveform’s
intensity decreases as time passes.
Gradation Modes
• Color
Waveforms are divided into 15 levels based on their frequency of occurrence, starting
with blue for the lowest frequency and shifting to green, yellow, red, and then white as
the frequency increases.
• Inten
The frequency of occurrence of a waveform is indicated using intensity.
Accumulation Count
When the accumulation mode is Count, set the number of waveform accumulations to a
number from 0 to the number of history waveforms. Waveforms will accumulate infinitely
if you choose 0. The default value is the maximum number of history waveforms.
Accumulation Time
When the mode is Time, you can choose to accumulate waveforms infinitely, or for a
period of time between 100 ms and 100 s. The default value is 100 ms.
Waveforms will accumulate infinitely if you choose Infinite.
Notes about Displaying Accumulated Waveforms
• The DL9000 performs GO/NO-GO determinations and automated measurements of
waveform parameters on the most recent waveform.
• If you stop acquisition by pressing START/STOP, accumulation will also stop. When
you restart, accumulation will also restart, but the previously accumulated waveforms
will be cleared.
• If you change the display format while the DL9000 is displaying accumulated
waveforms, it will perform the following operations.
• During accumulation
The DL9000 will clear the accumulated waveforms and show the new display.
• When accumulation has been stopped in Time mode
The DL9000 will not clear accumulated waveforms.
• When accumulation has been stopped in Count mode
If the accumulation is infinite, the DL9000 will display however many accumulated
history waveforms have been maintained. The display may change. If the
accumulation is not infinite, the DL9000 will display the set number of accumulated
history waveforms.
Saving and Loading Accumulated Waveforms
You can save accumulated waveforms to four internal memory locations.
Saved accumulated waveforms can be loaded and displayed. Loaded accumulated
waveforms will be displayed in white.
7.7 Displaying Accumulated Waveforms