IM DL850E-01EN
Basic Arithmetic (S1+S2, S1−S2, S1*S2, and S1/S2)
Performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division on the two waveforms assigned to Source1 and
Math Source Waveforms (Source1 and Source2)
CH1 to CH16,
, RMath1 to RMath15
1 You can select the input channel of an installed module. However, you cannot select the channel of a logic
2 When a 16-CH voltage input module or 16-CH temperature/voltage input module is installed. After you select
16chVOLT or 16chTEMP/VOLT, select a sub channel.
3 On the DL850EV when a CAN bus monitor module or CAN & LIN bus monitor module is installed. After you
select CAN or LIN, select a sub channel. You cannot select waveforms whose data type (Value Type) is set to
Logic. Even if the data type is not set to Logic, you cannot use data that exceeds 16 bits in length.
4 You can use other RMath waveforms as math source waveforms. If you set the real time math channel to
RMathX, you can select the RMath waveforms on channels up to RMathX−1. If the real time math channel is
RMath1, you cannot use any other RMath waveforms as math source waveforms.
Basic Arithmetic with Coefficients (A(S1)+B(S2)+C, A(S1)−B(S2)+C, A(S1)*B(S2)+C, A(S1)/B(S2)+C)
Performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division with coefficients on the two waveforms assigned to
Source1 and Source2.
Math Source Waveforms (Source1 and Source2)
The options are the same as were described above for basic arithmetic.
Coefficients (A, B, and C)
Set the scaling coefficients (A and B) and the offset (C).
Range: −9.9999E+30 to +9.9999E+30
Default value of A and B: 1.0000
Default value of C: 0.0000
Differentiation (Diff(S1))
Performs differentiation on the waveform assigned to Source using a fifth order Lagrange interpolation formula.
For details on the differentiation characteristics, see the appendix in the
Real Time Math (/G3 option) User’s
, IM DL850E-51EN.
Math Source Waveform (Source)
The options are the same as were described above for basic arithmetic.
2 Vertical Axis