IM DL850E-01EN
When Measuring Power Supply Frequency
Center Frequency Setting (Center Frequency)
Set the center frequency to 50 Hz, 60 Hz, or 400 Hz.
When Measuring Pulse Integration
• Unit/Pulse Setting (Unit/Pulse)
You can set the physical amount per pulse to a value from −9.9999E+30 to 9.9999E+30.
• Unit Setting (Unit)
You can set the displayed pulse-integration unit as necessary using up to four characters.
• Over Limit Reset Setting (Over Limit Reset)
Select ON to reset the pulse count when the range is exceeded. If you do not want to reset the pulse count,
select OFF. The default setting is OFF.
• Manual Reset (Reset)
To manually reset the pulse count, select Exec.
When Measuring Velocity
• Distance/Pulse Setting (Distance/Pulse)
You can set the distance per pulse to a value from −9.9999E+30 to 9.9999E+30.
• Time Unit Setting (Time Unit)
You can set the unit of time to hour, min, or sec.
The output is automatically converted to the appropriate velocity for the specified time.
• Unit Setting (Unit)
Set the unit of velocity to be displayed using up to four characters. The default setting is m/s.
Filter (Filter)
• Smoothing (Smoothing)
The frequency module can display waveforms using real-time moving averages of the data. The moving
average order can be set through the specification of a time value from 0.1 ms to 1 s (the maximum number
of averages is 25000). The number of averages performed (moving average order) = the specified time ÷
40 μs.
The smoothing filter has the following characteristics.
• Smoothes out staircase patterns.
• Enables you to reduce measurement jitter and increase the resolution. Because of the increased
resolution, you can perform high-precision measurements, especially when you measure high frequencies
or use the offset feature and enlarge the waveform.
• Can be used with all frequency-module measurement items.
Original waveform
When using the smoothing
filter Filter order: 400 ms
2 Vertical Axis