IM DL850E-01EN
Time Search (Time)
Search for a specific year, month, day, and time.
Search Conditions (Setup)
Specify the time that you want to search for.
Set the year (Year), month (Month), day (Day), hour (Hour), minute (Minute), second (Second), and microsecond
Searched Waveform Display (Result Window)
Executing a Search (Execute)
The DL850E/DL850EV displays the waveforms of the area around the specified time expanded in the zoom
Notes about Searching Waveforms
• You cannot search during data acquisition.
• The search results are invalid after you:
• Start data acquisition.
• Change the settings.
• If you invert or change the offset voltage of a waveform that has been selected as a waveform to search, the
search is performed on the new waveform.
Notes about Using the 16-CH Voltage Input Module (720220),
Notes about Using the 16-CH Temperature/Voltage Input Module (720221)
15 Searching Waveforms