IM DL850E-01EN
Relationship between the Time Axis Setting, Record Length, and Sample Rate
If you change the time axis setting, the sample rate and the acquisition-memory record length also change. For
details, see appendix 1 in the
Getting Started Guide
, IM DL850E-03EN.
Sample Rate
If you change the time axis setting, the sample rate also changes. The sample rate is the number of samples-
per-second (S/s). When the sample rate is low compared to the frequency of the input signal, the high-frequency
components of the waveform are misread as low-frequency components. To prevent the high-frequency
components from being misread, sample the signal at the highest sample rate possible, or set the waveform
acquisition mode to Envelope.
Roll Mode Display
When the trigger mode is set to Auto, Auto Level, Single, or On Start and the time axis setting is greater than or
equal to 100 ms/div, instead of updating waveforms through triggering (update mode), the DL850E/DL850EV
displays the waveforms in roll mode. In roll mode, waveforms scroll from right to left as new data is captured and
the oldest values are deleted from the screen.
A trigger is a cue used to display the waveform on the screen. A trigger occurs when the specified trigger
condition is met, and a waveform is displayed on the screen.
Trigger Modes
The trigger mode determines the conditions for updating the displayed waveforms. There are six trigger modes:
Auto, Auto Level, Normal, Single, N Single, and On Start. The trigger mode setting applies to all trigger types.
Trigger Types
Triggers can be broadly divided into “simple triggers” and “enhanced triggers.”
Simple Triggers
Input Signal Trigger
The DL850E/DL850EV triggers when the trigger source passes through the specified trigger level in the specified
way (rising edge, falling edge, or rising or falling edge).
Time Trigger
The DL850E/DL850EV triggers at the specified date and time and at specified intervals afterwards.
External Signal Trigger
The DL850E/DL850EV triggers when the signal applied to the TRIG IN terminal passes through the specified
trigger level in the specified way (rising or falling edge).
Power Line Signal Trigger
The DL850E/DL850EV triggers on the rising edge of the power supply signal that it is receiving. This trigger
enables you to observe waveforms in synchronization with the power supply frequency.
Enhanced Triggers
A -> B(N) Trigger
After state condition A is met, the DL850E/DL850EV triggers when state condition B is met N times.
A Delay B Trigger
After state condition A is met and the specified amount of time elapses, the DL850E/DL850EV triggers when
state condition B is first met.
Edge On A Trigger (Enhanced)
While state condition A is met, the DL850E/DL850EV triggers on the OR of multiple trigger source edges.
1 Main Features