IM 701830-01E
Setting T/div
For a description of this function, refer to page 1-2.
The T/div setting is made by setting the time per division on the screen grid.
T/div setting range
Different types of modules can be installed simultaneously in this instrument. The available T/
div range is as follows.
500 ns/div to 100 ks/div (1-2-5 steps)
However, some T/div settings can not be selected depending on the record length. For details,
refer to Appendix 1 “Relationship between the Time Axis Setting, Sample Rate and Record
Maximum sample rate
The maximum sample rate varies according to the input module as follows.
Input module
Maximum sample rate
High speed isolation module
10 MS/s
High speed module
10 MS/s
High resolution high voltage isolation module
100 kS/s
High resolution isolation module
100 kS/s
Temperature module
Logic input module
*1 Data update rate is approximately 135 Hz.
*2 The response time varies according to the logic probe being used. For details, refer to Section 15.23.
T/div display
If the T/DIV knob is turned while the waveform acquisition is stopped, the top section displays
the T/div corresponding to the display waveform and the bottom section displays the changed T/
div. The changed T/div value becomes valid on the next start.
The display waveform T/div
The changed T/div
T/div and roll mode
The display switches to roll mode if the trigger mode is auto or auto-level; T/DIV is between
100 ms/div and 200 ks/div; and the sample rate is 100 kS/s or less. However, when using “Log
Start” or “Single Start” under the ACQ menu, the display is in roll mode even when the trigger
mode is set to normal or time.
Notes on the roll mode display
• Up to the first three points of data become undefined on the waveform display immediately
after the start of the roll mode.
The number of points that become undefined depends on the sample rate.
Make sure that the measurement range does not include these three points such as in the
automatic measurement of waveform parameters.
• The operations when selecting “Single Start”/“Log Start” from the ACQ menu are as follows.
By pressing the “Single Start” soft key, the trigger mode is set to normal mode. After
acquiring the specified record length of data following a trigger activation, the displayed
waveform stops.
By pressing the “Log Start” soft key, the trigger mode is disabled. After acquiring the
specified record length of data, the displayed waveform stops.
• Changing the V/div, T/div, or trigger setting resets the roll mode display.
• Computation, cursor measurements, and automatic measurement of waveform parameters can
not be made.
• X-Y waveform displays the data after performing P-P compression.
X-Y waveform is displayed in the range from –5 div to 5 div, not in the range specified by
“Start Point/End Point” (see page 8-10). However, if you stop the waveform acquisition, the
waveform is displayed in the range specified by “Start Point/End Point.”
• Averaging and sequential store are not possible.