IM AQ1200-01EN
Logging Count
You can set the number of values to log within the following range.
10 to 36000
Drive to Save To
You can set the destination drive to one of the following options.
Internal memory, USB memory
File Name
You can specify file names by combining comments and numbers. For details, see section 18.2.
For an example of the saved data being displayed using spreadsheet software, see appendix 1.
Graph Display of Logging Data
Set Display to “Logging” to display the measured values on a graph in real time during logging.
Logging results that have been saved in CSV format cannot be displayed on a graph.
Selecting the Cursors
You can switch between the two cursors (C1 and C2) that are displayed on the screen. If the
selected cursor is outside of the display area, the cursor’s display position is automatically changed
so that it is in the center of the screen. If the cursor is at the left or right edge of the screen, because
the sections that are outside of the measurement range cannot be displayed, even if you switch to
the other cursor, the selected cursor will not be displayed in the center of the screen.
Auto Zoom
The vertical zoom factor is set automatically so that all the data on the screen is displayed.
The median value between the maximum and minimum of the logging data is the center position on
the screen.
If there is no logging data, auto zoom is not performed.
Zoom Initialization
Zoom initialization returns the vertical and horizontal zoom factors to ×1.
Zooming In and Out
You can press the arrow keys to zoom the displayed graph in or out. The graph is zoomed at the
cursor position.
Up and down arrow keys: Zoom in and out vertically. The up arrow key zooms in, and the down
arrow key zooms out. Zoom factors are ×1, ×2, ×5, ×10, ×20, and ×50.
Left and right arrow keys: Zoom in and out horizontally. The right arrow key zooms in, and the left
arrow key zooms out. Zoom factors are ×1, ×2, ×5, ×10, ×20, and ×50.
You cannot zoom in on the graph so much that there are less than 11
logging data points on the screen.
9.3 Logging Measured Values and Saving Logged Results