Manufacturers of low power instruments
page 56
4.19.3 Generic ASCII
This is based upon a serial device that autonomous outputs sentences of data, like an GPS device. The
user can capture this data, split it into various parameters, by specifying a separator character and by
specifying the start and stop characters of a data sentence. If a serial sensor outputs multiple different
sentences, like an NMEA-0183 device, a parameter can be linked to a matching sentence by supplying a
sentence filter text.
Log raw data String
The user can select this to log the whol
e data string, including separator char’s, checksums etc. This is
convenient when debugging / testing a new sensor.
Decimal symbol
The user can select which decimal symbol is used by the sensor, being a dot or a comma.
Separator Character
Character which separates the various data fields (numbers). Very often a space (0x20) is used. This is
the default-setting. A comma, semi-colon or tab-character are commonly in use as well.
Start/Stop character
These define with which character a data sentence starts and terminates. E.g. an NMEA sentence starts
with a ‘$’ and terminates with a carriage return (CR).
Output request
Most serial probes start transmitting their data sentences at regular intervals as soon as they got
powered. Some serial probes output their data sentences on request only and for such cases you can
specify an optional “Output request string” and/or “Output request terminator” character. The request
string will send first to the probe directly followed by the request terminator (e.g. a carriage return or line
[0] Exit
[1] Name >> Serial
[2] Port settings >> RS232 8N1; 9600
[3] Sensor power switch >> Enabled; Warm up 00:00:01
[4] Sample interval >> Data log interval
[5] Maximum wait time >>
[6] Log raw data string >> Off
[7] Decimal symbol >> '.'
[8] Seperator character >> ','
[9] Start character >> '$'
[A] Start character 2 >> (None)
[B] Stop character >> (CR)
[C] Output request string >>
[D] Output request terminator >>
[P] Parameters >> 3
[R] Remove
[T] Test measurement