Setting 7: Accel/Decel Time Selection 1
Switches between accel/decel times 1 (C1-01 and C1-02) and 2 (C1-03 and C1-04).
Refer to C1-01 to C1-04: Accel, Decel
Settings 8 and 9: Baseblock Command (N.O., N.C.)
When the drive receives a baseblock command, the output transistors stop switching, the motor coasts to stop, and a bb alarm
flashes on the HOA keypad to indicate baseblock. When baseblock ends while a Run command is active, the drive performs
Speed Search to restart the motor.
DIgital Input Function
Drive Operation
Input Open
Input Closed
Setting 8 (N.O.)
Normal operation
Baseblock (Interrupt output)
Setting 9 (N.C.)
Baseblock (Interrupt output)
Normal operation
WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. When using a mechanical holding brake with the drive in a lifting application, close the brake when
the drive output is cut off by a baseblock command triggered by one of the input terminals. Failure to comply will result in a slipping load
from the motor suddenly coasting when the baseblock command is entered and may cause serious injury or death.
Begin Speed Search from the
previous frequency reference
Run command
Baseblock input
Output frequency
Output off, motor coasts
Figure 1.32 Baseblock Operation During Run
Setting A: Accel/Decel Ramp Hold
When the digital input programmed for the Accel/decel ramp hold function closes, the drive locks (holds) the output frequency.
Acceleration or deceleration resumes when the input is reopened.
If the Accel/decel ramp hold function is enabled (d4-01 = 1), the drive saves the output frequency to memory when the Ramp
Hold input is closed. When the drive is restarted after stop or after power supply interruption, the saved output frequency
becomes the frequency reference (provided that the Accel/decel ramp hold input is still closed).
Reference Hold Function Selection on page 59
Setting B: Drive Overheat Alarm (oH2)
Triggers an oH2 alarm when the contact closes. Drive operation is not affected because this is an alarm.
Setting C: Analog Terminal Input Selection (Terminals A1 and A2)
When closed, the terminals specified in H3-14 are enabled. When open, the drive disregards the input signal to the analog
Setting F: Through Mode
Select this setting when using the terminal in a pass-through mode. When set to F, an input does not trigger any function in
the drive. Setting F, however, still allows the input status to be read out by a PLC via a communication option or APOGEE
FLN, BACnet, MEMOBUS/Modbus, or Metasys N2 communications.
1.7 H: Terminal Functions
YASKAWA SIEP YAIZ1U 03B YASKAWA AC Drive – Z1000 Programming Manual