Appendix C
RM2-755-RDR Postioner
Continuous Path
Describes the process where by a robot is controlled over the entire path
traversed, as opposed to a point-to-point method of traversal. This is used
when the trajectory of the end-effector is most important to provide a
smooth movement, such as in spray painting etc. See
Control Algorithm
A monitor used to detect trajectory deviations in which sensors detect
such deviations and torque applications are computed for the actuators.
Control Command
An instruction fed to the robot by means of the human-to-machine input
device. See Pendant (Teaching). This command is received by the
Controller system and is interpreted. Then, the proper instruction is fed to
the robot's actuators, which enable it to react to the initial command. Many
times, the command must be interpreted with the use of logic units and
specific algorithms. See
Control Device
Any piece of control hardware providing a means for human intervention
in the control of a robot or robot system, such as an EMERGENCY STOP
button, a START button, or a selector switch. (R15.06)
Control Mode
The means by which instructions are communicated to the robot.
The property of a system by which an input signal can take the system
from an initial state to a desired state along a predictable path within a
predetermined period of time.
An information processing device whose inputs are both the desired and
measured position, velocity or other pertinent variables in a process and
whose outputs are drive signals to a controlling motor or actuator.
Controller System
The control mechanism is usually a computer of some type, which is used
to store data (both robot and work environment), and store and execute
programs, which operate the robot. The Controller System contains the
programs, data, algorithms; logic analysis, and various other processing
activities, which enable it to perform. See
Coordinate System or Frame
A Coordinate System (or Frame) defines a reference position and
orientation from which a robot position can be measured. All robot
positions are defined with reference to a Coordinate System. The robots
utilize the following Coordinate Systems:
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the main circuit board and
processor of the Controller System.
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