Power Up and Basic Parameter Setup
Start Up Procedure
Fig 5 Basic Start Up Sequence
* V/f control
* Open Loop Vector Control
* Closed Loop Vector Control
* Closed Loop Vector Control for PM
Mechanical installation
Main and control circuit wiring
Check the encoder power supply selection
* (Closed Loop only)
Switch on the power supply
Perform motor data / encoder offset auto tuning
Speed reference
Analog Input
Digital operator (b1-02 = 0)
Set up the analog/digital I/O’s in the H1-xx,
H2-xx and H3-xx parameters
Set up the
* Acceleration / Deceleration times (C1-xx)
* S-Curves (Jerk) (C2-x)
Make test runs
Fine Tuning
* Brake sequence tuning
* Special functions setup
Set up the
* Preset speed values (d1-xx)
* Acceleration / Deceleration times (C1-xx)
* S-Curves (Jerk) (C2-xx)
Set up the digital I/O’s in the H1-xx
and H2-xx parameters
Select the control sequence in
paramerter d1-18
Select the control mode in parameter A1-02