A.3 Drive Specifications
A.3 Drive Specifications
N ote: 1. Perform rotational Auto-Tuning to obtain the performance specifications given below.
2. For optimum performance life o f the drive, install the drive in an environm ent that meets the required specifications.
C o n t r o l M e t h o d
The follow ing control methods can be set using drive parameters:
• V /f Control (V /f)
• Open Loop Vector Control (OLV)
• Closed Loop Vector Control (CLV)
• Closed Loop Vector Control for PM (CLV/PM)
F r e q u e n c y C o n t r o l R a n g e
0.01 to 120 Hz
F r e q u e n c y A c c u r a c y
( T e m p e r a t u r e F l u c t u a t i o n )
D igital input: within ±0.01% o f the max output speed (-10 to +40 °C)
Analog input: within ±0.1% o f the max output speed (25°C ±10 °C)
F r e q u e n c y S e t t i n g R e s o l u t i o n
D igital inputs: 0.01 Hz
Analog inputs: 1/2048 o f the maximum output speed setting (11 bit plus sign)
O u t p u t S p e e d R e s o l u t i o n
0.001 Hz
F r e q u e n c y S e t t i n g S ig n a l
Main speed frequency reference: DC -10 to +10 V (20 kQ), DC 0 to +10 V (20 kQ), 4 to 20 m A (250 Q), 0 to 20 m A (250 Q)
S t a r t i n g T o r q u e
V/f: 150% at 3 Hz
OLV: 200% at 0 .3 Hz
CLV, CLV/PM: 200% at 0 r/min
C o n t r o l
C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s
S p e e d C o n t r o l R a n g e
V/f: 1:40
OLV: 1:200
CLV: 1:1500
S p e e d C o n t r o l A c c u r a c y
OLV: ±0.2% (25°C ±10 °C), CLV: ±0.02% (25°C ±10 °C)
S p e e d R e s p o n s e
OLV: 10 Hz
CLV, CLV/PM: 50 Hz
T o r q u e L i m i t
Parameters setting allow separate limits in four quadrants (available in OLV, CLV, CLV/PM)
A c c e l / D e c e l R a m p
0.0 to 6000.0 s (4 selectable combinations o f independent acceleration and deceleration settings, unit changeable to m /s2 or
B r a k i n g T r a n s i s t o r
M odels C IM R -L D 2A 0018 to 2A 0115, 4A 0009 to 4A 0060 have a built-in braking transistor.
V / f C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s
Freely programmable
M a i n C o n t r o l F u n c t i o n s
Inertia Compensation, Position Lock at Start and Stop/Anti-Rollback Function, Overtorque/Undertorque Detection, Torque
Limit, Speed Reference, A ccel/d ecel Switch, 5 Zone Jerk Settings, Auto-Tuning (Stationary and Rotational Motor/Encoder
Offset Tuning), D w ell, Cooling Fan on /off Switch, Slip Compensation, Torque Compensation, DC Injection Braking at Start and
Stop, MEM OBUS/M odbus Comm. (R S-422/485 max, 115.2 kbps), Fault Reset, Rem ovable Terminal Block with Parameter
Backup Function, Online Tuning, High Frequency Injection, Short Floor, R escue Operation (Light Load Direction Search
Function), Inspection Run, Brake Sequence, Speed related parameters with elevator units display, etc.
M o t o r P r o t e c t i o n
Electronic thermal overload relay
M o m e n t a r y O v e r c u r r e n t P r o t e c t i o n
Drive stops when output current exceeds 200% o f rated output current
O v e r l o a d P r o t e c t i o n
D rive stops after 60 s at 150% o f rated output current <2>
P r o t e c t i o n
F u n c t i o n s
O v e r v o l t a g e P r o t e c t i o n
200 V class: Stops when DC bus voltage exceeds approx. 410 V
400 V class: Stops when DC bus voltage exceeds approx. 820 V
U n d e r v o l t a g e P r o t e c t i o n
200 V class: Stops when DC bus voltage falls below approx. 190 V
400 V class: Stops when DC bus voltage falls below approx. 380 V
H e a t s i n k O v e r h e a t P r o t e c t i o n
S t a l l P r e v e n t i o n
Stall Prevention is available during acceleration, and during run.
G r o u n d P r o t e c t i o n
Electronic circuit protection <3>
D C B u s C h a r g e L E D
Remains lit until DC bus voltage falls below 50 V
A r e a o f U s e
A m b i e n t T e m p e r a t u r e
-10 to 50 °C
H u m i d i t y
95 RH% or less (no condensation)
E n v i r o n m e n t
S t o r a g e T e m p e r a t u r e
-2 0 to 60 °C (short-term temperature during transportation)
A l t i t u d e
Up to 1000 meters without derating, up to 3000m w ith output current and voltage derating
V i b r a t i o n / S h o c k
10 to 20 Hz: 9.8 m /s2
20 to 55 Hz: 5.9 m /s2 (2A 0018 to 2A 0180, 4A 0009 to 4A 0150) or 2.0 m /s2 (2A 0215 to 2A 0415, 4A 0180 to 4A 0216)
S t a n d a r d s
• UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc:
UL508C Power Conversion Equipment
• CE European Conformity:
E N 61800-3 Adjustable speed electrical power drive system s - EMC requirements and specific test methods
E N 61800-5-1 Adjustable speed electrical power drive system s - Safety requirements - Electrical, thermal and energy
• ISO International Organization for Standardization:
ISO 13849-1 Cat. 3 PLd Safety o f machinery - Safety-related parts o f control systems
• IEC International Electrotechnical Commission:
IEC61508 SIL2 Functional safety o f electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems safety integrity level 2
P r o t e c t i o n D e s ig n
IP20 enclosure
<1> The accuracy o f these values depends on m otor characteristics, am bient conditions, and drive settings. Specifications may vary w ith different
motors and w ith changing m otor tem perature. Contact Yaskawa for consultation.
<2> Overload protection may be triggered w hen operating w ith 150% o f the rated output current if the output speed is less than 6 Hz.
<3> Ground protection cannot be provided w hen the im pedance o f the ground fault path is too low, or when the drive is powered up w hile a ground
fault is present at the output.
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual
Содержание L1000A Series
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