i.2 General Safety
EZZ010926 FSDrive-MV1000 Instructions
Safety Messages
Heed all of the safety-related information in this manual.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
The operating company is responsible for any injuries or equipment damage resulting from failure to heed the warnings
in this manual.
Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not connect or disconnect wiring while the power for the main circuit and controls is on.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Even when the power supply of the medium-voltage main circuit to the drive is shut off, it takes some time for the
internal capacitors to discharge. Wait until the CHARGE LED goes off before starting inspection. While an residual
electric charge remains in the capacitor, the surface and inside of the Power Cell will carry a high voltage, so there will
be a risk of death or serious injury. The heatsink of the Power Cell can become quite hot during operation, and proper
precautions should be taken to prevent burns. When replacing the cooling fan, shut off the main circuit's power and
then wait at least 15 minutes. Then, shut off the control circuit's power and make sure that the cooling fan has fully
stopped before starting the work.
Sudden Movement Hazard
Do not forget to include an emergency stop circuit in the application.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury. A communication error between the digital operator keypad
and the drive’s internal control board may make it impossible to stop the drive with the digital operator.
After an emergency stop circuit has been wired, check to make sure it is operating properly.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury. The emergency stop circuit may fail to operate if left
unchecked. The user is fully responsible for properly wiring the emergency circuit.
Some systems may start moving in response to the supply of power alone, resulting in death or serious injury.
Make sure that there are no personnel around the drive, motor and machine before turning the power on. Also check
that couplings with motors, shaft keys and machinery are properly protected.
Electrical Shock Hazard
Never modify the drive.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Yaskawa is not responsible for the consequences of any modification of the product by the user or any client of the
Do not allow unqualified personnel to perform work on the drive.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
The drive should be installed, wired, repaired, inspected, and have its parts replaced, by someone with a thorough
knowledge of drive installation, adjustment and repair.
Fire Hazard
Verify that the rated voltage of the drive matches the voltage of the incoming power supply before applying power.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury by fire.