i.2 General Safety
TOEP C710656 07A YASKAWA Power Regenerative Converter - D1000 Instruction Manual
Warranty Information
The converter is not designed or manufactured for use in devices or systems that may directly affect or threaten human
lives or health.
Customers who intend to use the product described in this manual for devices or systems relating to transportation, health
care, space aviation, atomic power, electric power, or in underwater applications must first contact their Yaskawa
representatives or the nearest Yaskawa sales office.
Injury to Personnel. This product has been manufactured under strict quality-control guidelines. However, if this product is
to be installed in any location where failure of this product could involve or result in a life-and-death situation or loss of human life or in
a facility where failure may cause a serious accident or physical injury, safety devices must be installed to minimize the likelihood of any