EcoTrim ET-1024 System
2 Equipment Description
2.7 Safety Features
Safety Features
The EcoTrim ET-1024 System includes a total safety environment.
Complying with all safety standards ensures safe and reliable operation of
the robot work cell.
2.7.1 Safety Fencing
The heavy-gauge, steel-mesh safety fencing that is provided with the
EcoTrim ET-1024 System attaches to the common base and encloses the
entire work cell. It forms a physical barrier that prevents personnel from
entering the work cell during automatic operation.
2.7.2 Safety Light Curtains
The safety light curtain system consist of two units (a Send unit and a
Receive unit) that emit and receive infrared light pulses to create an
invisible protective field. The infrared light pulses, coded by the Send unit,
are sent to the Receive unit, which evaluates them. If an object or person
penetrates the protective field created by the infrared light, outputs of the
safety light curtain system change state to stop all machine motion. The
safety light curtain system incorporates a dual-channel safety feature. The
dual-channel feature provides redundant operation to ensure a continuous
field of coverage for the area protected by the light curtains.
With the EcoTrim ET-1024 System, the safety light curtains are set up to
protect personnel who might unintentionally enter the MSR rotary
positioner area during the positioner sweeping process. In Play mode, if
the positioner is sweeping and the operator steps into the safety zone
(defined by the light curtain Send and Receive units), servo power is
removed from the EcoTrim ET-1024 System, and all MSR positioner
motion stops. Servo power can be reapplied and the operation resumed
(after the operator is clear of the protected area) by pressing SERVO ON
and START on the Operator Station panel. Refer to
for the
alignment of the safety light curtains in the EcoTrim ET-1024 System.
2.7.3 Emergency Stops (E-STOPS)
In addition to the safety features described above, the EcoTrim ET-1024
System incorporates large, red Emergency Stop (E-STOP) push buttons
that are placed in accessible locations. When any E-STOP push button is
activated (pushed in), the E-STOP circuitry immediately stops all system
operation and robot movement.
E-STOP push buttons are found in the following locations:
• The door of DX200 controller
• The Programming Pendant
• The Operator Station pedestal
Users are responsible for determining that the safeguards
provided with the EcoTrim ET-1024 System are adequate
for their plant conditions. Users must also ensure that all
safeguards are maintained in working order.
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