Yard-Man 605 Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 605 Series

Страница 1: ...austsystemis equippedwitha sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws if any If a sparkarresteris used it shouldbemaintainedineffectiveworkingorderby the operator In theStateof Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw Section4442of the CaliforniaPublicResources Code Otherstatesmayhavesimilarlaws Federallawsapplyonfederallands A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestengineauth...

Страница 2: ...will be necessaryto use the manufacturer s web site and or obtain assistance from the Customer Support Department or an authorizedservice dealer P O BOX 361131 o CLEVELAND OH 44136 www yardman com 330 220 4683 800 800 731 O Customer Support Please do NOTreturn the unit to the retailer from which it was purchased without first contacting Customer Support Ifyou have difficulty assemblingthis product...

Страница 3: ...O o 1 o 13 O3 13 13 O O O O5 E O 13 13 o3 13 O O o3 13 E 3 13 o 13 C5 5 O3 O5 13 t b 13 O9 o5 13 O O O3 5 O3 O O E Sight and hold this levelwith a verticaltree also I 15 ...

Страница 4: ... CautionMode shouldnotbe used whenchildrenor others are around g Keepchildrenawayfromhotor running engines Theycan sufferburnsfroma hot muffler h Removekeywhenmachineis unattendedto preventunauthorized operation 2 Neverallowchildrenunder14yearsoldto operate the machine Children14yearsoldandovershould readand understand the operationinstructions and safetyrulesinthis manualandshouldbetrainedand sup...

Страница 5: ...foreshiftinginto reverse Backupslowly Alwayslookdownandbehindbefore andwhilebackingto avoida back overaccident 19 Slowdownbeforeturning Operatethe machine smoothly Avoiderraticoperationandexcessive speed 20 Disengageblade s setparkingbrake stopengine andwaituntilthe blade s cometo a completestop beforeremoving grasscatcher emptyinggrass uncloggingchute removingany grassor debris or makinganyadjust...

Страница 6: ...stability 5 Useextracare withgrasscatchersorotherat tachments Thesecanchangethe stabilityof the machine 6 Keepall movement on the slopesslowand gradual Do not makesuddenchangesin speedor direction Rapidengagement or brakingcouldcausethe front of the machineto liftand rapidlyflip overbackwards whichcouldcauseseriousinjury 7 Avoidstartingor stoppingon a slope If tireslose traction disengagethe blade...

Страница 7: ...vices Checktheir properoperationregularly 9 Afterstrikingaforeignobject stopthe engine disconnectthe sparkplugwire s andgroundagainst the engine Thoroughlyinspectthe machinefor any damage Repairthe damagebeforestartingand operating 10 Neverattemptto makeadjustmentsor repairsto the machinewhilethe engineisrunning 11 Grasscatchercomponents andthe discharge coveraresubjectto wearanddamagewhichcould e...

Страница 8: ...ndhold downstrap Notethe dateon the sideof the battery Ifthe batteryis putinto serviceafterthisdate chargethe batteryas instructedin the Maintaining YourLawnTractorsectionof this manualpriorto operatingthetractor Securebatterybackontothe tractorwiththe hold downstrap Reattachthe positivecable heavyred wire to the positivebatteryterminal withthe bolt andnut Makecertainthatthe rubberbootcoversthe te...

Страница 9: ...ryour tractordid notcome attached the hardwarefor attachingit hasbeenpacked withinthe steeringwheel beneaththe steeringwheel cap Carefullypry offthe steeringwheelcapand remove the hardware NOTE Therearetwodifferentstylesof steeringwheel cap SeeFigure3 Styles vary by model 1 With the wheels of the tractor pointingstraight forward placethe steeringwheeloverthe steering shaft 2 Placethe washer withth...

Страница 10: ...ceedingwithapplicable instructionsbelow Standard Adjustment Seat 1 Positionthe shoulderscrews foundonthe baseof the seat insidetheslotopeningsinthe seatpivotbracket Figure4 2 Slidethe seatslightlyrearwardinthe seatpivot bracket liningupthe rearslots inthe pivotbracket withthe remainingtwo holesinthe seat sbase 3 Selectdesiredpositionforthe seat andsecurewith the twohex screwsremoved earlier SeeFig...

Страница 11: ...atethe cuttingdeckwithoutmulch ing simplyremovethe mulchplugby unthreadingthe plasticwing nutwhichfastensit to the cuttingdeck This will allowthe clippingsto dischargeout of the discharge openingduringoperation SeeFigure7 Figure 7 LaWn Tractor WARNING i i i i i i ii ii i _iI_ ii 11 ...

Страница 12: ...ty Figure 8 A PTO BladeEngage Levert G ThrottleLever PTO BladeEngage Knobt H CruiseControlButton B SystemsIndicatorMonitort Ammeter I IgnitionSwitchModule C ChokeKnobt J BrakePedal D ParkingBrakeButton K DrivePedal E ShiftLever L DeckLiftLever F CupHolder M SeatAdjustmentLevert NOTE Anyreferencein If soequipped thismanualto the RIGHTor LEFTside of the tractoris observedfromoperator sposition 12 ...

Страница 13: ...Starting The Engine inthissectionof the manualfor detailedinstructions regarding the IgnitionSwitchModuleandoperatingthe tractorinREVERSECAUTIONMODE WARNING Never leave a running machine unattended Always disengage PTO move shift lever into neutral position set parking brake stop engine and remove key to prevent unintended starting Tostart theengine insertthe keyintothe ignitionswitch andturnclock...

Страница 14: ...ation while the engineis running the batteryis in needof a chargeorthe engine scharging systemis notgeneratingsufficientamperage Refer to the MAINTENANCEsectionof this manualfor the properbatterychargingprocedureor havethe charging systemcheckedby yourservicedealer Theammetermeasuresthe electricaloutputof the engine schargingsystem Undernormaloperating conditions withengineat full throttle the amm...

Страница 15: ... tractor Contactan authorizedMTDservicedealer The safetyinterlocksystempreventsthe engine fromcrankingorstartingunlessthe parkingbrake isengaged andthe PTO BladeEngage knob or lever is in the disengaged OFF position The enginewill automaticallyshutoff if the operator leavesthe seatbeforeengagingtheparkingbrake Models with Manual PTO Blade Engage The enginewill automaticallyshutoff if the operator ...


Страница 17: ...returnto of the tractor without first placing the ON position the PTO Blade Engage knob or lever in the disengaged OFF IMPORTANT DoNOTholdthe keyin the STARTposi tionfor longerthanten secondsat a time Doingso may position depressing the brake causedamageto your engine selectricstarter pedal and engaging the parking brake if leaving the tractor 6 Afterthe enginestarts deactivatethechokecontrol andp...

Страница 18: ...andthe tractorwill maintainthe sameforwardspeed NOTE Cruisecontrolcan notbe engagedat the tractor sfastestgroundspeed Ifthe operatorshould attemptto doso the tractorwill automatically decelerate to the fastestoptimalmowinggroundspeed Disengagethecruisecontrolusingoneof the following methods 1 Depressthe brakepedalto disengagethecruise controlandstopthe tractor 2 Lightlydepressthe drivepedal Tochan...

Страница 19: ...tedlybeneaththe cuttingdeck Theultra fine clippingsarethenforcedbackintothe lawnwherethey actas a naturalfertilizer Figure 13 Observethe followingpointsfor the bestresultswhen mulching Neverattemptto mulchif the lawnis damp Wetgrass tendsto stickto the undersideof the cuttingdeck preventing propermulchingof the clippings Do NOTattemptto mulchmorethan 1 3 thetotal heightof the grassorapproximately1...

Страница 20: ...ketto raisethe frontof the deck loosen the hexnutsto lowerthe frontof the deck NOTE Modelswitha 42 inchdeckhaveonlyONEjam nut washer and locknut Figure 15 _ ARNING Never attempt to make any adjustments while the engine is running except where specified in the operator s manual Leveling the Deck NOTE Checkthe tractor stire pressurebeforeperform inganydeck levelingadjustments Referto Tires on page26...

Страница 21: ...sideof thetransmissioninthe rearof the tractor Adjustif necessaryas follows 1 Lookingat thetransmissionfromthe right sideof the tractor locatethe compressionspringandbrakedisc See Figure16 2 Loosen but do NOTremove the hex nutfoundon the rightsideof the brakeassembly SeeFigure16 3 Usingafeelergauge setthe gapbetweenthe brake discandthe brakepuckat 011 4 Re4ightenthe hexnut loosenedearlier Set gap ...

Страница 22: ...atonmodelsequipped witha seatadjustmentlever movethe leverto the left andslidethe seatforwardor rearward Referto the SettingUp YourLawnTractorsection Makesureseat is lockedinto positionbeforeoperatingthe tractor Knob Adjustment Seat if so equipped Toadjustthe positionof the seatonmodelsso equipped loosenthetwo knobsonthe bottomof the seat See Figure17 Slidethe seatforwardor backwardas desired Reti...

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Страница 25: ... operator s positionwiththecutting deckengagedfor a minimumof twominutes allowing the undersideof the cuttingdeckto thoroughlyrinse 10 Movethe tractor sPTO BladeEngage intothe OFF position 11 Turnthe ignitionkeyto the STOPpositionto turn the tractor sengineoff andengagethe parkingbrake 12 Turnthe wateroff anddetachthe hosecouplerfrom the waterport onyourdeckssurface 13 Repeatsteps4 11on theopposit...

Страница 26: ...ventshorting IMPORTANT Ifremovingthe batteryfor anyreason disconnectthe NEGATIVE Black wire fromit sterminal first followedby the POSITIVE Red wire When re installingthe battery alwaysconnectthe POSiTiVE Red wire itsterminalfirst followedby the NEGATIVE Black wire Becertainthatthewiresareconnectedto thecorrectterminals reversingthemcouldchangethe polarityandresultindamageto your engine salternat i...

Страница 27: ...eachcuttingbladeedgebeground equallyto maintainproperbladebalance Whenreplacingtheblade be sureto install the blade withthe sideof the blademarked Bottom orwith a part numberstampedinit facingthe groundwhen the mowerisinthe operatingposition Figure 24 1 5 8 inch Figure 25 IMPORTANT Usea torquewrenchto tightenthe blade spindlehexflangenut to between70foot poundsand90 foot pounds Fuses A fuseis inst...

Страница 28: ...enginepulley Removethe cuttingdeckas instructed earlierinthis section Removethe beltguardsby removingthe self tapping screwsthatfastenthemto the deck 5 7 8 Carefullyloosen butdo not remove the deckidler pulleys Removethedeckbelt fromaroundall pulleys including the deckidlerpulleysandthe electricPTOclutch units withelectricPTO Routethe newbelt as shownin Figure26 27 and28 andretightenthe deckidlerp...

Страница 29: ...ulley 42 Deck Left Hand Spindle Pulley Right Hand Spindle Pulley Idler Pulleys Figure 26 46 Deck Belt Cover Idler Pulleys Figure 27 46 Deck Electric PTO Clutch Electric PTO o 0 idler Pulleys Figure 28 29 Tractor ...

Страница 30: ...Never store the __ achine or fuel container indoors where there is an open flame spark or pilot light such as on water heater furnace clothes dryer or other gas appliance Attachments Accessories Thefollowingattachments andaccessoriesarecompatiblefor ModelSeries605 LawnTractors Seethe retailer fromwhichyou purchasedyourtractor an authorizedMTDServiceDealeror phone 800 800 7310 for information regar...

Страница 31: ...Readandfollowall instructionsinthis manualbeforeat temptingto operate this machine Failure to complywiththese instructionsmay result in personalinjury When you see thissymbol HEED ITS WARNING Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machine to persons who read understand and follow the warnings and instructions inthis manual and on the machine ...

Страница 32: ...ngineflooded if so equipped I I 7 Crankenginewiththrott e n FAST I position I 8 Parkngbrakenotengaged I 8 Engageparkingbrake I 9 Throttlecontro levernotin correct 9 Placethrottleleverto FAST I startingposition _ position Engineruns erratic 1 UnitrunningwithCHOKEapplied 1 PushCHOKEcontrol if so 2 Sparkplugwire s loose 3 Blockedfuellineor stalefuel 4 Ventingas cap plugged 5 Waterordirt infuel system...

Страница 33: ...uttingblade 2 Replaceblade Mower will not 11 Enginespeedtoo iowl 1 P acethrott e ontrolin FAST ohgrass If wet grass rabbit p0siti n Equipped 2 D0not m0wwhengrass s wet wat unt aterto cut 3 Excessively highgrassl _ Mowonce a a nigncuttingneight then mowagainat desiredheight or makea narrowerCuttingpath Duiiblade sharpen or repiacebiade Uneven cut 1 Decknotbalancedproperly 1 Performside to sidedecka...

Страница 34: ...Model Series 605 Modelsw Quick AdjustSeat Modelsw Manually AdjustingSeat 34 ...

Страница 35: ...her Fht 344x 1 0x 063 30 783 04314A Fender ModeIX605G 31 783 1010A Plate Deck Lift ModeIX605G 783 0677B Adjust Brkt Lift 32 783 1489A MountingBracket Seat 33 710 0227 Screw 8 18x 50 34 726 0279 Plate Insulator 35 725 1303 SpringSwitch Outer 36 725 1439 SpringSwitch inner 37 726 0278 Plate InsulatorBoss 38 683 04079 ShaftAssembly Lift 39 712 04065 Nut FlangeLock 3 8 16 GrF 40 714 0104 Pin Cotter 07...

Страница 36: ...iVlodel Series 605 36 ...

Страница 37: ...prig Fief PartNo Description No 731 04039 SteeringWheelCap No Sprig 26 738 04128 ShoulderScrew 5x 2 380 3 8 16 738 1011A ShoulderScrew 5x 2 2 3 8 16 27 734 2290A DeluxeHubCap 28 736 0316 FiatWasher 78x 1 589x 06 29 714 04039 CotterPin 5 32 x 1 25 30 683 0128B StampedPivotBar 719 04105 Cast ironPivotBar 726 0341 PushCap 31 32 LH AxleAssembly 750 42 Deck LH AxleAssembly 750 46 Deck RHAxleAssembly 75...

Страница 38: ...Model Series 605 i i x 38 ...

Страница 39: ...15 CruiseControlButton 22 731 04217 ParkingBrakeButton 23 736 0176 FiatWasher 265x 938x 1 20 24 747 1196 Brake Cruise PivotRod 25 629 040831 HeadlightWireHarness 26 731 05566 HoodPlenum 27 783 04908 RHDashSupportPlate 28 710 0642 Self tapping Screw 1 4 20x 75 29 783 04909 LH DashSupportPlate 30 725 0963 Lamp 31 736 0270 BellWasher 265 x 75x 062 32 710 1611B Screw 5 16 18x 75 33 725 1649 HeadlightS...

Страница 40: ...Transmission Bolt Mounting E E y _ iMPORTANT Fora proper working machine use FactoryApproved Parts V belts are designed to engage and disengage safely A substitute non OEM V belt can be dangerous by not disen a in com letel f_ d_ Ei 4O ...

Страница 41: ...1 783 04283 Bracket Shift Fief Part No Description No 42 783 04360 Bracket Shift F N R 43 783 04442 IdlerBracket CenterDouble 44 647 0031B ControlAssembly Brake 45 647 0032A ControlAssembly Speed 46 683 0266 PedalAssembly 47 710 0650 Screw 5 16 18 0 875 48 710 1260A Screw 5 16 18 0 750 49 710 1611B Screw 5 16 18 0 750 50 711 04159B Pin 3 8 16x2 68 51 712 3004A Nut FlangeLock 5 16 18 Gr5 52 732 033...

Страница 42: ...Bearing 90 _783 04722 SwitchBracket ParkingBrake 91 736 0242 Washer Bell 340x 872x 060 92 712 04065 Nut FlangeLock 3 8 16 GrF 93 710 0599 Screw 1 4 20x 500 94 736 0430 FlatWasher 350x1 59x 062 95 634 0104 WheelAssyCornp 20x 8 x 8 734 1730 Tire Only20 x 8 x 8 734 0603A RimOnlyw Valve Stern 96 736 3010 FiatWasher 407x 812x 135 97 714 0507 Pin Cotter 3 32 x 750 98 736 0119 LockWasher 5 16 99 725 3167...

Страница 43: ...amp Ref PartNo Description No 12 751 3140 Oil DrainValve 13 751 10349 FuelLineHose 14 751 0564A MufflerDeflector 15 751 0617B Singleinlet Muffler 16 751 10047 ExhaustPipe 17 710 1315 Screw 3 8 16x 1 250 18 712 3005 FlangeLockNut 3 8 16 19 736 0300 FiatWasher 406x 875x 059 20 751 0644B LH ExhaustPipe 21 751 0645A RHExhaustPipe 22 751 0805A Dualinlet Muffler NOTE Tractorfeaturesvaryby model NOTall p...

Страница 44: ...Model Series 605 42 Deck Manual PTO 44 ...

Страница 45: ...No Description No 25 756 04196 Pulley Engine 3 39x 6 12Dia 26 783 0744A Stop Bracket Engagement 27 683 04173 FrameAssembly Lower 28 710 0607 Screw 5 16 18 0 500 29 710 0642 Screw 1 4 20 0 750 30 710 3005 Screw 3 8 16 1 25 Gr5 31 712 04064 Nut FlangeLock 1 4 20 GrF 32 710 0703 Screw Carriage 1 4 20 75 33 732 04035 Spring Compr 1 28OD x 3 125 34 736 0222 Washer Lock 1 4 External 35 736 0275 FlatWash...

Страница 46: ...46 Deck Manual PTO To Deck J IMPORTANT Fora proper working machine use FactoryApproved Parts V belts are designed to engage and disengage safely A substitute non OEM V belt can be dangerous by not disen ain com letel 46 ...

Страница 47: ... 3 125 Washer Lock 1 4 External SupportBracket Steering 15 714 0470 Pin Cotter 1 8x 1 25 16 726 0201 Nut Speed 3125ID 17 731 2111A Knob PTO 18 746 04092 Deck Engagement Cable 19 750 0566A Spacer 260x 372x 1 030Lg 20 783 04590A CableBracket 21 736 0108 Washer Fiat 510x 750x 033 22 736 0119 Washer Lock 5 16 23 736 0242 Washer Bell 340x 872x 060 24 736 0275 Washer Fiat 344x 688x 065 25 736 0322 Washe...

Страница 48: ...Model Series 605 Electric PTO 48 ...

Страница 49: ...A 15 738 1132 Screw Shldr 250 x 150 1 4 20 16 683 04173 FrameAssembly Lower 17 710 0607 Screw 5 16 18 0 500 18 710 0642 Screw 1 4 20 0 750 19 710 3005 Screw 3 8 16 1 25 Gr5 20 712 04064 Nut FlangeLock 1 4 20 GrF 21 783 04809 Frame Upper 22 732 04035 Spring Compr 1 28OD x 3 125 23 736 0222 Washer Lock 1 4 External 24 783 04329A SeatBracket Frame 25 738 04058 Spacer Shoulder 38 x 1 0x 70 26 747 0412...

Страница 50: ...Model Series 605 5 _ _3j 0_ _ _ 8 I s 50 ...

Страница 51: ...056 42 toothBevelGear 16 718 04045 ClutchCollar 17 711 04134 DriveShaft 18 736 0495 ThrustWasher 1 0x 632x O 736 0494 FiatWasher 632 x 1 00x 035 19 741 0337 FlangeBearing 5 8 x 3 4 x 15 16 20 611 0011 DetentShaftAssembly 21 741 0862 DetentBall 22 732 0863 Compression Spring 23 719 04018 LowerHousing 24 717 0678 BrakePuck 25 761 0202 BrakeDisc 26 710 1206 Self tapping Screw 1 4 20x2 375 27 661 0001...

Страница 52: ...Model Series 605 42 Deck Manual PTO 52 ...

Страница 53: ...asher Flat 64x 1 24x 06 35 738 04166 Spacer Shoulder 5000x 1475 36 738 04146 Plug Screw M16x 1 5 37 738 04162A Spacer Shoulder 8840x 190 38 742 0616A Blade 21 23 Star3 in 1 39 731 23631 MulchPlug 40 747 04501 ControlRod Brake 41 747 04269A DeckRod FrontAdjustable 42 748 04069 PivotCup DeckLift 43 750 0566A Spacer 260 x 372 x 1 030 44 754 04045 Belt V Type 45 756 04129 Idler Pulley 4 25 Dia 46 712 ...

Страница 54: ...Model Series 605 46 Deck Manual PTO 1 _5__ _L i l 54 ...

Страница 55: ...ion 75 ODx 6 75 Wheel Deck5 0 x 1 38 Washer Lock 5 16 Washer Fiat 285x 1 25x 06 Washer Bell 265 x 75x 062 Washer Fiat 34 x 2 25 x lO Washer Lock 5 8 ChuteAssembly 734 0973 736 0119 736 0211 736 0270 736 0418A 736 0225 731 1032B 43 738 0347 Spacer Shoulder 625 IDx 169 44 738 0373 Spacer Shoulder 498x 1 53 45 738 04146 Plug 46 742 0611A Blade 16 28 Star3 in One 47 742 0612A Blade 14 88 Star3 in One ...

Страница 56: ...Model Series 605 46 Deck Electric PTO J f _ 7 56 ...

Страница 57: ...eck5 0x 1 38 29 736 0119 Washer Lock 5 16 RegularDuty 30 736 0270 Washer Bell 265 x 75x 062 31 736 0760 Washer Lock 17x 23 8x 1 95 32 738 04146 Plug Screw 33 731 1032B ChuteAssembly SideDischarge 34 738 0373 Screw Shlder 498x 1 53 3 8 16 35 738 04162A Spacer Shoulder 8840x 190 36 747 1130B Rod Deck Adjust 37 742 0612A Blade 14 88 Star3 in 1 38 742 0611A Blade 16 28 Star3 in 1 39 747 1116 HndlRod D...

Страница 58: ...i_il i_i i i _II _i _ i _ i i ii i _ii_i_i i_ii_ii_ _i_ i_ii_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_ I 58 ...

Страница 59: ... warrantedfor thewarrantyperiod statedabove Ifthe part fails duringthe periodof warrantycoverage the part willbe repairedor replacedby MTDConsumerGroupInc accordingto subsection 4 below Anysuchpart repairedor replacedunderwarrantywillbe warrantedfor the remainderof the period 2 Any warrantedpart that is scheduledonly for regularinspectioninthe writteninstructionssupplied is warrantedfor thewarrant...

Страница 60: ... andnormaldeteriorationof the exteriorfinish dueto use orexposure d Servicecompletedby someoneotherthananauthorizedservice dealer e f g MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exportedoutsideof the UnitedStates its possessions and territories exceptthosesoldthroughMTD sauthorized channelsof exportdistribution Replacement partsthatarenot genuineMTDparts Transportation chargesand servicecall...
