Lx410/450/490 Operator's Manual
In consistency with other global diesel engine
manufacturers and diesel fuel injection equipment
manufacturers, Yanmar encourages the
development of renewable compression ignition fuels
and wishes to clarify our position on the use of bio-
diesel fuels in Yanmar Industrial Engines.
In United States, non-mineral oil based fuel
resources such as RME (Rapeseed Methyl Ester)
and SOME (Soybean Methyl Ester), collectively
known as FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters), are
being used as extenders for mineral oil derived diesel
After Yanmar conducted the applicability evaluation,
Yanmar approves the use of B7 (up to 7% FAME)
Diesel which shall not exceed a blend of 7% (by
volume) of FAME with 93% (by volume) of approved
mineral oil derived diesel fuel in Yanmar Industrial
Yanmar's limited warranty conditions in case certain
engines manufactured by Yanmar are operated with
B7 Diesel are as follows:
1. Yanmar accepts the use of B7 Diesel only on the
conditions that:
• B7 Diesel must comply with "the American
Standard ASTM D-6751 and ASTM D-7467(for
Oxidation stability)" if you and/or your clients are
located in the US.
• Replacement of the following parts before using
the recommended biodiesel:
• for Lx410/450 models: 1A8240-04500 Hose
Kit, Fuel
• for Lx490 model: 1A8260-04500 Hose Kit, Fuel
2. Please purchase B7 Diesel only from recognized
and authorized diesel fuel suppliers.
3. Please use only B7 Diesel including methanol as
the above relevant regulations state; otherwise, it
may cause corrosion in aluminum and zinc fuel
injection equipment components.
4. Please use only B7 Diesel contained certain
water level as the above relevant regulations
state; otherwise, it may cause fuel filters plugged
and also may increase bacterial growth.
5. Please use only B7 Diesel with low viscosity at
high temperatures; otherwise, it may cause
problems on fuel delivery, injection pump seizures
and poor injection nozzle spray atomization.
6. Please check the engine oil level daily. If the oil
level rises above the oil level of the previous day,
the engine oil needs to be immediately replaced.
7. Please check and confirm the quality of B7 Diesel
and other fuel tanks before you will start to use it.
Please keep daily maintenance during the use of
B7 Diesel and do not forget to regularly flush the
fuel system and fuel storage containers. You may
only use B7 Diesel at least within two (2) months
from the time of filling the tank or three (3) months
from the time of production by the said fuel
suppliers, whichever comes first.
Yanmar does not warrant and is not responsible for
any problems caused by the use of the deteriorated
B7 Diesel or by the use of the B7 Diesel which do not
comply with the above relevant regulations.
2. Diesel Fuel Specifications