Other Functions
Greeting Message
When you turn the TX81Z power on, it displays a greeting message, initially
set to “<Good morning!!>“. You can change this by turning the power on
while pressing STORE. Use the CURSOR keys to move the blinking cursor and
use DEC/INC to select characters. (The character table is on p.23.) When you
are finished, press PARAMETER, EDIT or PLAY to return to normal oper-
The next time you turn the power on, your new message will be displayed.
Minimum Volume
The Master Volume control (p.3) controls the volume of the entire TX81Z.
When it is set to 0, there will be no sound, If the Master Volume is less than 30,
it will automatically be reset to 30 when the power is turned on.
MIDI Note Indicator
When a MIDI Note On message arrives while in PLAY mode (single or perform-
ance), the PLAY LED will blink. This is irrespective of the Receive Channel
setting, and the LED will blink even if the note was not actually sounded.
However, if Key Number (p.25) is set to Odd or Even, only corresponding
notes will make the LED blink.
Note Range
The TX81Z can produce notes in the range from C#–1 to C7. Incoming notes
beyond this range will be “folded back” to the nearest octave.
Battery Backup
The TX81Z internal RAM memory (voice memory bank I, 24 performance
memories, effects 1-3, etc.) is backed up by a battery to retain data even when
the power is turned off. The life of this battery is approximately 5 years. Have
it replaced by an authorized Yamaha technician within 5 years of purchase.
(Don’t forget to save the internal data to a storage device such as cassette be-
fore having the battery changed.)