Error and warning messages
When error or warning messages are displayed, resolve the cause based on the following table and measure
[Search tag]#Q01 YPAO Error and Warning
Error Messages
Error Messages
Measure again after making the room quiet.
E-2:No Signal
Plug the YPAO microphone securely into the YPAO MIC jack and measure again.
If this error occurs frequently, contact the outlet where you bought this
product, or the authorized Yamaha service center.
E-3:No MIC
Plug the YPAO microphone securely into the YPAO MIC jack and measure again.
E-4:User Cancel
Depending on your purpose, measure again or close YPAO.
E-5:Headphone pluged
Unplug the headphones and then measure again.
E-10:Internal Err.
After finishing YPAO, turn this product OFF and back ON. If this error occurs
frequently, contact the outlet where you bought this product, or the authorized
Yamaha service center.
E-20:No Speakers
Select the speakers to use (A, B, A+B or Off) and then measure again. If the same
error message appears again, exit YPAO, turn OFF this product, and check the
speaker and/or PRE OUT jack connections. If using an external amp, check its
connections and power.
E-21:Control Knob
Make sure the controls on the front panel, BASS, TREBLE, BALANCE and
LOUDNESS, are in the center or FLAT positions, and then measure again.
E-22:Pure Direct
Turn PURE DIRECT on the front panel OFF (indicator not lit) and then measure
To exit YPAO in order to resolve the cause, press the ENTER key and then use the cursor keys (
) to select “Cancel” and press
the ENTER key.
To measure again, press the ENTER key and then use the cursor keys (
) to select “Retry” and press the ENTER key.
Warning Messages
Even when a warning message is displayed, the measurement results can still be saved. However, to get the
best speaker settings, we recommend resolving the cause and running the measurements again.
PREPARATION > Automatic adjustment of speaker settings (YPAO)