PSR-S950/S750 Reference Manual
Editing the Part Tab Parameters
The parameters are arranged in a matrix.
Use the [A]–[E] buttons to select the desired parameter, then edit each of the Vocal
Parts including the Harmony notes (Harm.1, 2, 3) and Lead voice (your own voice) via
the [3
] buttons.
For information on each parameter, see below.
TRANSPOSE (selected by [A] button)
Determines the pitch transposition for each part. The range for all parts is the same; however, the lead
vocal sound can only be adjusted in octaves. When the Chordal Type is set to ScaleDiatonic, this
parameter changes to Degree. When Pitch Correct is set to Off, the Lead part is not available. When the
Vocoder or Vocoder-Mono mode is selected, the Harmony parts are not available.
Lead: -3 octaves – +3 octaves
Harmony 1, 2, 3: -36 semitones – +36 semitones
DEGREE Settings
Lead: -3 octaves – +3 octaves
Harmony 1, 2, 3: -3 octaves (-22 scale degrees) – Unison – +3 octaves (+22 scale degrees)
DETUNE (selected by [B] button)
Determines the fine pitch setting for each part. Adjust this to produce a warm chorusing effect, or to
achieve a natural, less-than-perfect vocal sound. When the Pitch Correct is set to Off, the Lead part is not
-50 cents – +50 cents
FORMANT (selected by [C] button)
Determines the formant setting for each part. This parameter can be used to finely change the character of
the vocal sound. The higher the value, the more “feminine” the harmony voice becomes. The lower the
value, the more “masculine” the voice. When the Pitch Correct is set to Off, the Lead part is not available.
-62 – +62
Determines the scale type for the transposition. Use this in combination
with Key Root above to enable modal scale harmony transposition.
When the Chordal Type parameter is set to ScaleDiatonic, this parame-
ter is available.
Maj, Min (Natural), Min (Harmonic)