PSR-S910/S710 Reference Manual
Styles – Pla
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ythm and Accompaniment –
Making Style File Format Settings
The Style File Format (SFF) combines all of Yamaha’s auto accompaniment (Style playback) know-how into
a single unified format. By using the Style Creator, you can take advantage of the power of the SFF format
and freely create your own Styles.
The chart shown below indicates the process by which the Style is played back. (This does not apply to the
rhythm track.) These parameters can be set via the Style Creator feature, in the PARAMETER Page.
Chord change via the chord section of the keyboard.
The PSR-S910/S710’s Styles are compatible with SFF GE—an enhanced format of the original SFF with
especially rich, expressive guitar parts.
The Style files created on the PSR-S910/S710 can only be played back on instruments which are compatible with SFF GE.
In the PARAMETER Page, use the [A]/[B] buttons to select the edit menu.
For details of the edit menu, see
Source Pattern settings
The Style data is appropriately converted depending on chord changes you make during your
performance. You can create the “Source Pattern” with the Style Creator, which determines how the
played chord will be converted. Here the “Source Chord” (
) can be set, allowing you to record
accompaniment channels.
Note Transposition settings
—NTR and NTT (
This parameter group features two parameters that determine how the notes of the Source Pattern are to
be converted in response to chord changes.
Other settings
Using the parameters of this group, you can fine-tune how Style playback responds to the chords you
play. For example, the Note Limit parameter allows you to have the Voices of the Style sound as realistic
as possible by shifting the pitch to an authentic range—ensuring that no notes sound outside the natural
range of the actual instrument (e.g., high bass sounds or low piccolo sounds).