Vocal Harmony (PSR-740)
About the parameters
• When selecting and playing
back a song containing Vocal
Harmony data, the Vocal
Harmony type is selected
automatically. However, if
you change the type from the
panel while the song is
selected, the manually
selected harmony type
overrides the type specified
in the song data.
Vocal Harmony Type
A total of 50 Vocal Harmony types are available, letting you select from a wide range of
harmony effects that can be applied to your voice. For details, see the Vocal Harmony Type
List on page 158.
Lead Gender Type
This determines the vocal character (or gender) of the harmony effect, selectable from the
following types:
• OFF ............... The voice character of the harmony does not change.
• UNISON ......... The harmony voice is changed in gender to some point between male
and female.
• MALE ............. The gender of the harmony voice is changed to male.
• FEMALE ........ The gender of the harmony voice is changed to female.
Pitch Correction
Even if the pitch of your voice is slightly “off,” you can use this to automatically correct the
pitch of your voice, ensuring that it matches with the harmony notes. Pitch Correction cannot
be set when the Lead Gender Type is off, or when the Vocal Harmony mode is set to Detune.
Pitch to Note
This function allows you to have a selected instrument voice sound along with and at the
same pitch as your own voice. Select the part you wish to be controlled by your voice.
Harmony Part
The Vocal Harmony effect is controlled by the notes you play. This parameter lets you
determine which notes (keyboard position, accompaniment or song data) will control the
harmony. Harmony Part can only be set when the Vocal Harmony mode is set to Vocoder.
• OFF ............... No harmony is applied.
• UPPER .......... Notes played on the right side of the keyboard from the split point control
the harmony.
• LOWER ......... Notes played on the left side of the keyboard from the split point control
the harmony.
Song Track
When playing back a song from disk, the note data recorded to the assigned song track
control the harmony.
All of the Vocal Harmony types fall into one of four basic categories, or “modes,” which produce
harmony in different ways. Although the mode cannot be set directly, since it is fixed for each
Vocal Harmony type, the appropriate mode is selected automatically when the type is selected.
The harmony effect is dependent on the selected harmony mode and part, and this parameter
determines how the harmony is applied to your voice. The four modes are described below.
In the Style mode, chords played in the auto accompaniment section of the keyboard control
the harmony. In the Song mode, chords contained in song data control the harmony.
The harmony notes are determined by the notes you play on the keyboard (VOICE R1, R2,
This mode automatically produces a harmony at a fixed pitch interval from that of your voice,
and is applied regardless of the harmony part or the notes you play on the keyboard (or song
This mode automatically produces a slightly “detuned” pitch compared to your voice, creating
a rich chorusing effect. It is applied regardless of the harmony part or the notes you play on
the keyboard (or song data).
Vocal Harmony Modes