While the MT2X recorder section permits multitrack
recording on four tracks, the mixer section offers a total
of six input channels. The following are a few hints on
using the extra two channels for more effective, more
versatile recording.
* Once three of the four available recorder tracks have
been recorded using direct recording, overdubbing and
perhaps pingponging techniques, three more instru-
ments may be mixed and recorded on the remaining
track via mixer channels 4, 5 and 6.
Once all four recorder tracks have been recorded, an
additional two instruments may be added via mixer
channels 5 and 6 at the mixdown stage.
When track 4 of the recorder is used to record an FSK
signal via the YMC2 MIDI Converter or an external
YMC10 MIDI Converter, the playback signals from this
track will frequently be used to control a stereo MIDI
device such as an RX-series Rhythm Programmer or
a Sequence Recorder which drives multiple tone
generators. The audio output from the Rhythm Pro-
grammer or tone generators can be mixed in with
the recorded material on tracks 1, 2 and 3 via mixer
channels 5 and 6. The use of channels 5 and 6 in this
application also permits easy application of effects to
the output of the MIDI devices.
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