MOX6/MOX8 Reference Manual
Performance Mode
ArpPlyOnly (Arpeggio Play Only)
Determines whether or not the current Part plays only the note events of the Arpeggio playback. When this parameter is
set to on, only the note events of the Arpeggio playback affect the tone generator block.
off, on
NoteLimitH (Note Limit High)
NoteLimitL (Note Limit Low)
Determines the lowest and highest notes of the keyboard range for each Part. Each Part will only sound for notes played
within its specified range.
C -2 – G8
If you specify the highest note first and the lowest note second, for example “C5 to C4,” then the note range covered will be “C-
2 to C4” and “C5 to G8.”
VelLimitH (Velocity Limit High)
VelLimitL (Velocity Limit Low)
Determines the minimum and maximum values of the velocity range within which each Part will respond. Each Part will
only sound for notes played within its specified velocity range.
1 – 127
If you specify the maximum value first and the minimum value second, for example “93 to 34,” then the velocity range covered
will be “1 to 34” and “93 to 127.”
[SF4] PORTA (Portamento)
Determines the Portamento parameters for each Part. Portamento is used to create a smooth transition in pitch from the
first note played on the keyboard to the next.
Switch (Portamento Part Switch)
Determines whether Portamento is applied to each Part or not.
off, on
Time (Portamento Time)
Determines the pitch transition time. Higher values result in a longer pitch change time, or a slow speed.
0 – 127
Mode (Portamento Mode)
Determines the Portamento mode.
full, fingr
full ............................................ Portamento is always applied.
fingr (fingered)......................... Portamento is only applied when you play legato (playing the next note before releasing the
previous one).
These Portamento parameters above are not available for the Part to which the Drum Voice is assigned.
[SF5] VEL SENS (Velocity Sensitivity)
VelSensDpt (Velocity Sensitivity Depth)
Determines the degree to which the resulting volume of the tone generator responds to your playing strength. The
higher the value, the more the volume changes in response to your playing strength (as shown below).
0 – 127
When Offset (below) is set to 64:
Actual resulting velocity
(affecting the tone
Velocity with which you play a note
Depth = 127
Depth = 64
Depth = 32
Depth = 0