• 08: Pitch
Pitch Mode
Settings: fseq, fixed
Determines whether or not the pitch data included in the formant sequence data will be used for Fseq playback.
• 09: Start Delay
Start Delay
Settings: 0 … 99
Specifies a delay before Fseq playback begins after a note is played. A setting of “0” produces no delay, while a
setting of “99” produces maximum delay.
• 10: StartOffset
Start Offset
Settings: 0 … 511*
Offsets the start of Fseq playback anywhere from the normal start point to the end point of the sequence. With a
setting of “0” Fseq playback begins from the normal start point when the LpStart and LpEnd parameters (below) are
set so that the sequence plays normally (i.e. LpStart < LpEnd), or from the end of the sequence when the LpStart
and LpEnd parameters are set so that the sequence plays backwards (i.e. LpStart > LpEnd). Higher values shift the
start point towards the end or beginning of the sequence, depending on the specified playback direction.
* 511 is the maximum setting. The actual range will depend on the selected Fseq data.
• 11: LoopMode
Loop Mode (Only available when 03: Mode = fseq)
Settings: oneway, round
Specifies whether the format sequence will play back in the “oneway” or “round” mode.
• 12: Loop Start
Loop Start (Only available when 03: Mode = fseq)
Settings: 0 … 511*
Specifies the loop start point for Fseq playback. A setting of “0” sets the loop start point at the beginning of the
actual formant sequence data. Higher values shift the loop start point toward the end of the sequence. The highest
available value corresponds to the end of the formant sequence.
If the loop start point is set at a higher value than the loop end point (below), the formant sequence will play
* 511 is the maximum setting. The actual range will depend on the selected Fseq data.
The formant sequence plays in one direction only when a note is played, beginning at the specified start offset point. The section of
the format sequence between the LpStart and LpEnd points will play repeatedly until all keys are released (key off), then the
remaining section of the sequence will play. Whether the sequence plays in the forward or reverse direction depends on the settings
of the LpStart and LpEnd parameters (below) are set.
Formant sequence playback begins at the specified start offset point, and then cycles back and forth between the specified loop start
and loop end point as long as a note is held. The initial playback direction depends on how the LpStart and LpEnd parameters
(below) are set.
The Fseq pitch data is used for Fseq playback.
The Fseq pitch data is not used for Fseq playback.
2/FS1R/EDIT/E.qx 10/19/98 7:23 PM Page 34