EAD10 Reference Manual (Advanced)
Scene Edit
Mic Effect
Trigger Effect
MicEffType : Mic Effect Type
Selects the type of Effect that is applied to the Mic Sound.
The Mic Effect Type can also be selected by pressing the “EFF” ([F2]) button on the Scene screen.
Refer to the Data List.
MicEffDepth : Mic Effect Depth
Sets depth of the Effect to be applied to the Mic Sound.
You can fine-adjust the values controlled with the [EFFECT] knob.
0 to 127
TrgEffType : Trigger Sound Effect Type
Sets the type of Effect to be applied to the Trigger Sound.
Refer to the Data List.
TrgEffSend : Trigger Sound Effect Send and Dry Balance
Specifies the balance between the Trigger Sound to be sent to the Effects (Send Level) and the Trigger Sound not to be sent to the Effects
(Dry Level).
TrgEffReturn : Trigger Sound Effect Return
Sets the level of the Effect applied to the Trigger Sound to be returned to the Reverb effect.
TrgEffToRev : Trigger Voice Effect Reverb Send
Sets the Send Level from the Effect applied to the Trigger Sound to the Reverb Effect.
0 to 127
Scene Edit / Effect 3/4
Scene Edit / Effect 4/4