Chapter 4
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
An image can be arranged as an object on a sheet. This specifies a file for this purpose. You can use
image files in the following formats: BMP (.bmp), PNG (.png), XBM (.xbm), XPM (.xpm), and JPEG
Before placing a picture object, prepare an image file. Copy the image file to the folder specified in the
“Preferences” dialog box
[Application] tab
[ContentsFolder] in the Main Panel window.
In the project file, the location and name of the image file are registered in an relative path below the
[ContentsFolder] and the linked image file is read and displayed. If the image file is moved, renamed,
or the [ContentsFolder] is changed, the image cannot be displayed.
Placing Pictures
There are three picture placement methods:
• You can drop the [Picture] item from the Toolkit window into each design window.
• You can double-click [Picture] on the Toolkit window.
• You can click [Picture] in the [Area Parts]/[Device List]/[Component List] on the [Tools] menu,
then click each design window.
When you place a picture object, the “Open” dialog box is displayed. Select the image file and
click the [Open] button. The picture will be placed in the design window.
The default for the “Preferences” dialog box
[Application] tab
[ContentsFolder] in the Main Panel window is
“C:\Program Files\YAMAHA\OPT Tools\DME Designer.” The [Designer] folder is located in the [DME Designer] folder. Within
that folder, there is an [Images] folder prepared for saving image files.
Background images for sheets are specified in the “Sheet” dialog box. Pictures are arranged as objects on the sheets.