Chapter 3
Main Panel Window
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Master ID
If the DME or SP2060 unit connected to the port specified by Port Select is a slave device, the
fourth octet of the of the device group master IP address is displayed and can be edited here. This
parameter is display only if the device is the device group master.
Link Mode
Displays and sets the link mode of the DME or SP2060 unit connected to the port specified by Port
MAC Address
Displays the MAC address of the DME or SP2060 unit connected to the port specified by Port
Click the [Utility] item of the [Hardware] menu to open the “Utility” window.
“Utility” Window
This window provides a variety of utility settings for DME and SP2060 units. These settings can only be
made when the target unit is online. A password will be required to open this window if the DME64N/
24N Utility screen is locked.
Names and Functions
Device Select Field
Select the DME or SP2060 to be displayed or edited from the list.
Only users with security status in which [Edit] is checked can edit Utility parameters.