Driving your boat
Getting to know your boat
Operating your boat requires skills acquired
through practice over a period of time. Take
the time to learn the basic techniques well be-
fore attempting more difficult maneuvers.
Boating with your new boat can be a very en-
joyable activity, providing you with hours of
pleasure. But it is essential to familiarize your-
self with the operation of the boat to achieve
the skill necessary to enjoy boating safely.
Before operating this boat, read this own-
er’s/operator’s manual, the Operation Instruc-
tion card, and all labels on the boat. Pay
particular attention to the safety information
beginning on page 10. Also, watch the Basic
Orientation Video provided with your boat.
These materials should give you an under-
standing of the boat and its operation. This
boat is designed to carry one operator and up
to 7 passengers.
Learning to operate your boat
Before boating, always perform the pre-oper-
ation checks listed on page 80. The short time
spent checking the boat will reward you with
added safety and reliability.
Know and follow U.S. Coast Guard, state, and
local laws when operating your boat.
Select a wide area to learn in, where visibility
is good and other boat traffic is light. Keep the
proper distance from other boats and vehi-
cles. Do not operate where people are swim-
Always attach the engine shut-off cord (lan-
yard) to your PFD before operating.
You and all other passengers must always
wear a USCG-approved PFD when riding in
the boat. You should consider wearing water
shoes, eye protection, and other protective
apparel. Water sports increase your risk of in-
jury from contact with your boat, other ves-
sels, docks, rocks, or coral.
Grip the steering wheel firmly and keep both
feet on the deck when driving the boat.
Starting the engine
Severe injury or death may result if you ig-
nore any of the following:
Before operating your boat, become fa-
miliar with all controls. Consult a
Yamaha Boat Dealer about any control
or function you do not fully understand.
Failure to understand how the controls
work could cause an accident or prevent
you from avoiding an accident.
Gasoline vapors can explode. Before
starting the engine, check the engine
compartment for gasoline, gasoline va-
pors, and loose electrical connections,
and then operate the blower for at least
4 minutes. Do not start the engine or op-
erate the blower if you can smell gaso-
Maximum load:
Total weight of cargo, operator, and
658 kg (1450 lb)
Total weight of operator and passen-
526 kg (1160 lb)
SportsBoat_F3M11.book Page 89 Wednesday, June 1, 2016 3:42 PM