Installation Instructions
Southern Audio Services, Inc. 14763 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, La 70819
225-272-7135 or 800-843-8823 www.yak-power.com www.southernaudioservices.com
The YP-RP8 system does not require the YP-KP8 (keypad) to operate. You can use the
buttons on the relay pack or use our Bluetooth app.
When deciding where to place the YP-KP8 make sure there is a enough cleareance be-
hind keypad to be able to fish the 3.5mm power jack through the hole. Use a 5/16” or
larger drill bit to make the pass through hole for the 3.5mm power jack. Feed Keypad
wire through hole then center and level keypad. Use provided screws to mount
keypad. Run the 6 ft. keypad cable to the YP-RP8 and plug it into the 3.5 mm female
power pigtail.
#1 Before screwing keypad down predrill your mounting holes.
#2 Put a small amount of silicone on the back of the keypad around the power wire
right before screwing keypad down. Keypad comes with a gasket but adding silicone
will make sure that uneven surfaces will seal.
Power button: Turns on/off power to the switching system. When activated keypad
and relay pack icons are backlight with a white light. Caution: the system has a stand
by amerage draw of 20 milliamps so system can be turned on remotely with BT and
RF signals.
1st press will activate pigtails N (Navagation) and A (Anchor), button will turn green.
2nd press will turn off only the Navagation pigtail leaving the Anchor pigtail on,
button will turn red.
3rd press will turn Anchor off
When pressed, button will activate pigtail B (Bow) and turn red.
When pressed, button will activate pigtail M (Midship) and turn red.
When pressed, button will activate pigtail S (Stern) and turn red
When pressed, button will activate pigtail 1 and turn red.
When pressed, button will activate pigtail 2 and turn red.
When pressed, button will activate pigtail 3 and turn red.
Keypad Operations:
YP-KP8 with 6 Ft. Cable
General Warnings & Notations:
1. All Yak-Power plug and play accessories are specifically designed to work together while
maintaining the correct battery polarity throughout the entire Yak-Power system. Use of
other aftermarket connectors or splicing other connectors into the Yak-Power system
may cause damage to the system or to the accessories connected to the system and void
your warranty.
2. CAUTION: Always pay attention to the actual wire colors of all Yak-Power accessory
cables to insure that the RED (+) wire is always connecting to the RED (+) wire on the
connector into which it is being plugged.
Power button: Turns on/off power to the switching system. When activated
keypad and relay pack icons are backlight with a white light. Caution: the
system has a stand by amerage draw of 3 milliamps so system can be
turned on remotely with BT and RF signals.
When pressed, button will activate pigtails N (Navagation) and A (Anchor),
buttons will turn red.
When pressed, button will activate pigtail A (Anchor) and turn red. Can’t be
turned off when the Nav button is on
When pressed, button will activate pigtail B (Bow) and turn red.
When pressed, button will activate pigtail M (Midship) and turn red.
When pressed, button will activate pigtail S (Stern) and turn red
When pressed, button will activate pigtail 1 and turn red.
When pressed, button will activate pigtail 2 and turn red.
When pressed, button will activate pigtail 3 and turn red.
Relay Pack Operations: