Activate the
Parametric Microphone Equalizer
1. Adjust the MIC gain, as described on page
2. Press the [FUNC] key.
3. Touch [MIC EQ] .
Parametric Microphone Equalizer function is
● If the Parametric Microphone Equalizer is
used with the AMC or speech processor en-
gaged, press the [MIC/SPEED] knob.
4. Press the PTT switch on the microphone, and
speak into the microphone in a normal voice
To cancel the Parametric Microphone Equalizer
function, repeat steps 2 and 3 above, and choose
“OFF” in step 3.
Setup the
Parametric Microphone Equalizer
1. Set the RF output power to minimum value.
We recommend connecting a dummy load
to one of the Antenna jacks, and monitoring
the signal on a separate receiver, to prevent
interference to other users.
2. Press the [FUNC] key.
3. Touch [MIC EQ] .
Parametric Microphone Equalizer function is
● To adjust the Parametric Microphone Equal
izer with the AMC or speech processor
engaged, press the [MIC/SPEED] knob to
activated AMC or speech processor.
4. Press the [MONI] key, if you choose to listen
on the FTDX101 internal monitor.
5. Press the [FUNC] key.
]→[TX AU
7. Rotate the [MULTI] knob to find Menu items
EQ3 BWTH]; these parameters apply to the
adjustment of the Parametric Microphone
Equalizer when the AMC or speech processor
is disabled.
M e n u i t e m s [ P P R M T R C E Q 1 F R E Q ]
through [P PRMTRC EQ3 BWTH] apply to
the adjustment of the Parametric Microphone
Equalizer when the AMC or speech processor
is engaged.
8. Press the [MULTI] knob, then rotate the
[MULTI] knob to adjust a particular Menu
9. Press and hold the PTT switch, and speak
into the microphone while listening to the ef-
fect of the adjustments being made. Because
the overall sound will change with each ad-
justment, make several passes through each
adjustment area, to be sure that the optimum
settings are achieved.
● The best way to hear the effects of the ad
justments is to wear headphones (connect-
ed to the monitor receiver) while listening to
the transmitted signal.
10. When all adjustments are satisfactory, press
the [FUNC] key to save the new settings and
exit the Setting Menu.
11. Press the [FUNC] key to exit to normal
Parametric Microphone Equalizer
The FTDX101 includes a unique Three-Band Parametric Microphone Equalizer that provides precise, in-
dependent control over the low, mid and treble ranges in the voice waveform. One group of settings may
be utilized when the AMC or speech processor is Off, and an alternate group of settings when the AMC or
Speech Processor is On (SSB mode only). The speech processor feature is described in the next chapter.
Parametric microphone equalizer function is activated only in SSB, AM and FM modes.