Managing Modules and Power Supplies with Common Commands
Network 9000 Type 2 modules support a set of common chassis management commands.
These commands can change the configuration of the network and the initialization
parameters of a Type 2 module from the Xyplex command interface of any other Type 2
module in the chassis. They can also reset and monitor managed power supplies.
The next sections of this chapter describe the Network 9000 features that you can change
and monitor with chassis management commands:
Managing Links to Midplane Ethernet Segments
Managing Initialization Records
Viewing Chassis Management Characteristics
Managing Links to Midplane Ethernet Segments
The connection between a Network 9000 module and either a midplane Ethernet segment or
an external network is called a l i n k. Different Network 9000 products have varying
numbers of links, and you can change the link connections with a chassis management
command. Chapter 3 describes the possible link connections for most Network 9000 Type 2
products and the command that changes them.
Figure 1-3 represents a Network 9000 chassis with three managed concentrators and a
LAN bridge/router. The Ethernet link of each managed concentrator connects to a
different midplane segment. Each managed concentrator supports a different department
within a company: Sales, Accounting, and Manufacturing.