Appendix B
Status and Error Messages
This appendix lists some error and status messages that can appear when you enter the
chassis management commands in this manual.
WARNING - This command will change the Ethernet segment NOW!
Press <Return> to modify, any other key to abort
This message appears when you attempt to change the link to a midplane Ethernet segment
on a terminal server with the DEFINE [SERVER] CHASSIS SLOT command. When you
use this command, the change takes effect immediately, unlike other terminal server
DEFINE commands. The change will terminate any active sessions. For the command to
take effect, press the <Return> key.
Local management bus is busy
Heavy network traffic on the local management bus (LMB) prevented the LMB from
processing a command. Wait a few seconds and then enter the command again.
1912 Local management bus transmit error
1913 Local management bus transaction failed
Messages 1912 and 1913 occur if a problem exists at the interface to the Single Chip
Microcontroller (SCM), which prevents the processor module from sending a request to the
LMB. If either of these messages appear when you issue a command, wait a few seconds
and attempt to issue the command again. If these messages continue to appear, contact
your Xyplex representative.
Invalid Network 9000 selection
You attempted to change a link to either a midplane Ethernet segment or an external
connection that was not valid for that link with a DEFINE CHASSIS SLOT command. See
Chapter 3 for the valid link connections on each Network 9000 Type 2 product.
Invalid Network 9000 initialization record
You did not specify a valid initialization record, or entered an initialization record
incorrectly. Valid initialization records are PRIMARY, SECONDARY, and TERTIARY.