Xtreme Power Conversion Corporation
Web/SNMP Cards
Page 6
UPS Management
Console Interface
The console interface provides a simple way to configure the SNMP/Web adapters through a command- line in-
terface. Actually, the console interface provides a full set of commands, extending far beyond the adapter initial
configuration and allowing access to all advanced functionalities. Nevertheless, access using the console interface
(by means of a local serial connection) is normally needed only for initial configuration, when no DHCP server is
available or the IP-address is not known.
The console interface can be accessed locally (serial connection) or remotely (Telnet, SSH).
Local connection
Local access requires a local computer connected to the adapter serial port using an RJ45-DB9 serial cable:
• Connect the SNMP adapter to a computer using the RJ45-DB9 serial communication cable provided with
the snmp/web adapter
• Run a terminal simulator (e.g. HyperTerminal on a PC running Windows)
• Configure the terminal simulator as follows:
115,200bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, parity none, flow control none terminal emulation VT-100
• Establish the connection and press <enter>
• The default username (login) and password are ge and ge
• A command-line configuration interface is entered
Remote connection
The console interface can also be accessed remotely from any computer on the same subnet using either Telnet or
SSH (under the hypothesis that the relevant service is running and enabled for the selected user).