Doc. 20780_03
Planning and Commissioning Manual
ADPRO Passive-Infrared (PIR) PRO Series by Xtralis
If this option is checked, whenever the detector detects something, you’ll hear a beep.
The Scope view is the most powerful feature of the software. It shows in real-time the signal
strength of each zone, if the monitored detector features multiple detection zones.
Simultaneously, it shows the actual alarm threshold, the general alarm status, and various
parameters such as total alarm count, strongest signal level received, and current settings of
the DIP switches in the detector, etc.
Through this menu you can manage the Scope view by stopping or running it, selecting the
view mode, increase or decrease signal speed, etc.
menu appears as shown below:
Scope view
appears as follows:
Scope view
illustrates the cause/response relationship between inputs and output. The
view shows all signals and their levels on a time axis ; it allows for a detailed analysis of the
detector’s operation.
Scope view
appears automatically after a detector has been selected from the search
list. The signals on the screen represent the current readings of the detector and are helpful
for resolving problems as well as managing certain installation features.
The Scope window is divided into the following three parts:
Scope view
: Scope view is used to for signal monitoring; it shows IR amplitude,
alarm-threshold and other vital parameters in real-time. In addition, it shows a varying
amount of lines as follows:
Green (Sensor Signal): shows the signal levels of the PIR sensor.