example on the 7
row, then the euclidean counting starts from the 7
row to the last row and
wraps around and continues on rows 0..6. The euclidean function will also consider the selected
pattern length in it’s calculations.
Also it is important to know that current inserted trigger points of the trigger column will be
overwritten by the euclidean input. On the other hand, columns that were inserted in the euclidean
way can be edited further to get different results.
on a selected Trigger (Trigger columns or drum-matrix) will pre-listen that trigger.
on the 8 trigger columns will pre-listen the whole trigger row.
Using the move and euclidean functions on the drum matrix is a fast way to create interesting drum
rhythms on the fly.
If the Trigger 16 Track is set up to Piano Roll mode, then each drum trigger column represents a
note which depends on the chosen basenote in the track setup. So if the basenote is set to C-2
then the most left trigger column is C-2, next to it C#2, D-2 and so on. You can see on top of the
pattern view the coloured sharp and flat notes, based on the base note. A filled in trigger plays the
note on the local CV track and fires a trigger on local trigger output. The trigger settings are the
same that are used for the Drum-Matrix. Note that the drum-matrix triggers are also firing with that.
If you want to avoid the drum-matrix to fire as well in piano roll mode, then use a basenote higher
than the highest note (B-8), then you can choose all basenotes again but the additional output on
the drum-matrix is turned off.
Pattern Screen (CV 16 track)
This pattern screen is only available with a connected ‘More CV 16’ expander. You must assign a
track to be used together with the expander in the
As the pattern values don’t fit on one screen with this one, it is split into 3 pages.
The CV16 or ‘More CV16’ Expander adds some more flexible screens and functions which need
some additional explanation compared to the regular screens.
To get as many functions as possible within the given columns and user interface, multiple
functions can be assigned from the same column in the first 6 columns. Also each column can be
assigned to a different destination. The destinations can be set in the CV16 Setup Screen
Destinations for the first 6 columns can be one of the CV16 outputs (1..16), the local CV/MOD
outputs of the track (TCV or TM), CV1to CV6 (LC1..LC6) or MOD1..6 (LM1//LM6). So within the 6
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022